Chapter 58 - Pawns to be used

"Remember what I said today."

Sherry went to the sink and washed her hands, glancing lightly at Nola.

The mirror reflected only Nola's delicate cheeks for a moment, then she turned and walked out first.

Sherry didn't follow after her, she'd really had enough of that drama of explaining, begging for mercy and then being misunderstood.

Aaron will only use her to find reasons to get around the Garcia Family, and whether he loves Nola or marries her has nothing to do with her.

From the beginning, she was only worthy of being a pretty pawn.


There were drops of water falling from the ceiling.

It fell on the shoulder of her white neck as if it were a tear she had fallen.

Sherry smiled to herself, raised her hand to dry it and stepped out.

Everything around her had changed, just now those people were whispering about who she was and discussing her relationship with Aaron, when the Garcia Family's brother and sister arrived she became the one to be loathed and despised.