Chapter 70 Mr. Swift is angry

Sherry's head hung a little lower, "Whatever Mr. Swift thinks it is, is what it is."

Her submissiveness goes too far, but it can also be a sudden bore.

Aaron glanced lightly at it and said in a light voice, "If you behave yourself in the next few days, I will ask Eral to find you a suitable place to live."

Having said that, he went straight out of the lift.

Sherry immediately followed quickly, carrying his luggage, helping him unlock his room, unpacking and ordering dinner.

But as soon as the meal was ordered, Aaron received a call from Nola.

She said she would come and have dinner with him.

So, half an hour later, it was Sherry who, in the spirit of not wasting anything, sat in Aaron's top suite and ate that gourmet meal while looking out the window at the night view.

The red wine is made overseas with vintage and has been woken up well.

It's a waste if you don't drink it.

Sherry lifted her glass and took a sip, knowing she was not up to it either.