Chapter 82 - Self-deception

His voice was so deep, like a wine that had lost its flavor, and it fell straight into Sherry's heart.

She was startled.

His feet slipped and his whole body fell towards Aaron's direction.

The man's hand was carrying his suit jacket and his face was slightly sullen as he watched her fall, without any intention of extending a hand to help her.

And averted his eyes in disgust.

"Get out of the way."

Sherry covered her knocked calf and took a few steps backwards, sucking in a breath of pain.

Aaron had clearly walked past her and yet he had turned back.

"Pour a cup of coffee."

Sherry oh-so-reluctantly.

Crooked foot, heading for the rest room.

Aaron glanced at her back and a rush of alcohol hit him, he dropped his jacket and collapsed on the sofa.

The mind is full of the socializing that has just taken place at the wine table.

Some people sarcastically said he was leaning on the Garcia Family and also tried to climb on him and hitch a ride with the Henry Family.