Chapter 108: He's taking Nola to meet her parents

Sherry's movements jerked to a halt.

For a moment, the reasons that had been swirling around in my head for days vanished into thin air.

She could even feel her breathing starting to get out of control and become rapid and restless.

"In reply to your wife, I've only recently ......"

Her hands were covered in fine sweat.

Both Reto brothers are familiar with who she is and will dismantle her at any moment.

Sherry had been prepared for this before she arrived, but when the moment came, she hesitated.

"Why are you stammering?"

"Weren't you very articulating around that boy when we met the other day?" Reto sneered out, with a strong note of sarcasm.

Sherry's eyelashes fluttered and her head dropped even lower.

She had overestimated her tolerance after all. The wound on her hand kept on aching, and the pain was numb and itchy, sweeping through her body and disrupting her thoughts.

Lousie, sitting in the main seat, was still as mild-mannered as ever.