Chapter 122 - Staying out of the way

Sitting in the car, Sherry took a deep breath as the rear-view mirror was a complete picture of the entire hotel, gradually becoming a blur, getting smaller and smaller.

"Out of breath?"

Andrew clutched the steering wheel and made a shallow sound.

Sherry hummed.

"So what are your plans, going forward?" Andrew sensibly planned for her, "After the mess you made at the Garcia Family's engagement party today, they're not going to let it go easily."

Especially in Sherry's current situation, even with evidence in hand, there is no guarantee of her absolute safety.

This is something that Sherry is well aware of.

"I want to get out of here." It was not a spur-of-the-moment decision, but a well-considered one. She wanted to say goodbye to everything in this place, once and for all.

Andrew's warm, jade-like eyes were tinged with a touch of heartache.

"Alternatively, you can ......"

Before he could finish his sentence, Sherry's mobile rang, from the hospital.