Chapter 125 - Nothing to do with him anymore

This was followed by the sound of a group of footsteps.

Sherry ducked carefully and stepped back, but stepped off and fell down the stair steps.

The men sent by Gregorio were the first to push open the door.

"Look carefully!"

Only they looked in every possible hiding place and couldn't find Sherry.

Eventually, the hotel manager forced them out of the hotel following complaints from other guests, "Regardless of whose orders, you have interfered with the normal operation of this hotel."

The men had to wait outside the hotel, but Sherry was not seen leaving the hotel until late at night.

"Then she must still be in there, keep an eye on her." Gregorio said fiercely, holding his phone.

At this moment, Nola had just finished changing the medicine for her wounds and said angrily, "Brother, the people you found are too incompetent to catch even one Sherry?"