Chapter 153 - She Can't Get Away

For just a moment, Sherry's heart missed a half beat.

Without even thinking, she simply let go and let the man's body lose weight, falling to the ground unawares.


Behind her was the sound of a man's growl, but Sherry could only flee, she took off her mask and dialed Wilson's number first, "Mr. Xiao, I've done everything you said, please settle the bill, I'm leaving."

"Well, I'm afraid not, Miss. Sherry, you haven't ......"

"I can't serve him for the rest of my life, and if he knew that you got me here without his knowledge, can you be sure that he wouldn't blame you for disgracing him?"

There was a silence on the other side of the phone.

Sherry didn't say much, just hung up, got changed and left.

This was, perhaps, the last time she would see Aaron. Sherry looked out of the bus window, her mood growing calmer, all in the past.

In the ward, Aaron's brow was locked as he stared at Wilson.

"Is that her?"