Chapter 206 It's okay

Watching Edward leave first, Nola outside showed a smug smile.

But the smile on her face did not dissipate, she saw Sherry did not have an unhappy expression at all, still sitting in that seat, slowly and methodically finished the rest of the meal.

After that, there was a limousine that came to pick her up!

The jealousy in Nola's eyes was almost overflowing as she watched Sherry walk out and get into the car.

At the moment the car door closed, she seemed to be able to feel Sherry glance in the direction she was standing.

But just a quick glance, not waiting for Nola to react, Sherry has already gotten in that car and left.

Edward rushed home, but nothing like what he heard on the phone happened.

"Where's my mom?"

George sat on the couch and lifted his eyes in the direction he was standing, "Went out to meet a friend."

Edward pressed his brow.

Just now, the family maid told him that his mother was not feeling well and was dizzy and uncomfortable.