Chapter 230 - She volunteered

As soon as Florence heard the news, she immediately rushed over.

"You and your father are deliberately hiding this from me, aren't you? Things are so serious, can I still ignore it? You immediately, ask where she is now, I want to go over to see her!"

For more than a decade, she has seen Beinean only a handful of times.

It's not that she doesn't want her best friend anymore, but she can't face meeting the Garcia family after the marriage between their two families has come to such a head.

The first time you open your mouth, you're going to stab someone in the heart and say that your daughter is dead and the marriage contract is naturally null and void.

She couldn't do it.

So much so that it was difficult for Edward for so many years.

All the time, Florence's heart is also not good, the words did not say a few words, then directly pull Edward to go outside, "Come on."


Edward laughed bitterly, "You always have to let me put my jacket on."