Chapter 277 Celebration Party

Sherry took the document: "Director Qin, you know, I never attend these parties."

Qin Ling smiled leisurely: "I knew you would say this. Sherry and Shen promised to reimburse this meal because they celebrated for you. After all, you are the first-class hero. If you don't go, then these members of your group will be disappointed."

Sherry smiled coldly: "So, without my consent, they applied to Shen Zong for reimbursement for this party in my name?" Words fall, she looked around pretending not to know the group members, the heart is extremely helpless.

"Sherry, in fact, everything has to be flexible, you see..."

"OK," Sherry nodded. "I'll be there."

Although she promised at the moment, it was obvious that her mood was several times worse than that of an hour ago.

Qin Ling walked away with interest, leaving only a burst of joy and a free meal. Who doesn't love it?

As night falls, the lights are on.