Chapter 310 Only she will influence him

No matter how much Alex Henry shouted behind him, he did not respond.

"Your sister is really quite individual, which makes me sit up and take notice." Li Luotan looked at this scene in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

"If something happens to her and her reputation is discredited in the circle, how can I let her marry Lu Tingchen?" Alex Henry looked at Li Luotan coldly and resentfully: "Then again, Sherry will also appear here, which I didn't expect."

In his memory, Sherry is just a lofty woman who doesn't know how to be good, even left by Aaron.

But I didn't expect her means to be particularly clever. How long did she climb into Xie Jingchuan's big bed and become the person in charge of th project!

"Sherry." Li Luotan almost threw out these two words coldly from his teeth: "It's not the first time she eavesdropped on us. Does she know our plan?"