Chapter 350 The Man in the Painting

The midday sun shone through the thick curtains on the big bed in the bedroom.

Sherry slowly opened his heavy sleepy eyes, and the first feeling was that there was a hot body behind her.

The strong iron arm was clasped tightly around her waist, and his head was buried at the back of Sherry's neck. From time to time, he could feel warm and even breathing.

What happened after last night, Sherry has some can't remember, as if he was dizzy, and he was tossing to wake up.

Tossing and turning, I didn't fall asleep until four o'clock the night after.

Although he kept whispering and soothing in his ear last night, Sherry still felt sore, and still does.

She was a little tired. She was about to bury her head in bed when the door was knocked.


Perhaps afraid of waking her, Sherry could feel the man behind him quickly getting out of bed and opening the door straight.