Chapter 353 Airport Oolong

"If I had known today, why should I have started?"

At the moment she pulled the trigger at Sherry, she should have thought of the consequences like today.

He won't allow it, and he will never tolerate anyone threatening her Sherry, even those who have followed her for many years.

Li Luotan knew hopelessness, collapsed and sat on the ground, falling two lines of clear tears. She seemed aphasia and choked speechless.

Xie Jingchuan didn't look back, but when he stepped out of the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

The elevator door slowly opened, and Sherry rushed out of it, panting and sweating, apparently running for some distance.

"Why are you here?" Xie Jingchuan strode to her side and held Sherry's shaking shoulders.

Sherry took a few deep breaths and adjusted his mind: "I, if I come a little later, will you kill Li Luotan?"

Xie Jingchuan eyes between a coagulation, he took a look at Alfred Marcus, but the man seems to have no idea, go a long way.

"I won't kill her."