Chapter 390 Face Dancing

Sherry, who returned to the company, immediately released and issued the matters for tomorrow's meeting. This matter is really anxious. If the fake goods flowing into the market are not recovered one day earlier, it will affect the brand effectiveness of dy one day earlier.


"The manager." Xia Meng came in from the door: "This is your flower."

Xia Meng placed a big bunch of roses in his hand on Sherry's desktop. Sherry was dumbfounded. She took a look at what she had just received yesterday. "My flowers?"

She picked up the postcard from the flowers and said, "My love-Louis."

"Yes, it was sent to the company when you went to visit Xiao Shen."

"Have you seen who sent it?" Sherry said seriously. She didn't remember this person and didn't understand why she sent flowers.

"Every time it is sent by express delivery, the other party can't disclose other information."

Sherry nodded: "I see, then you go down first."