chapter 1- why are boy's attracted to me...

"Why won't you leave me alone! I DON'T like men!"


Trudging into the red light district that was ever bustling with people. The red light district is the most outstanding place into his town- I guess of course there also rich people but that kind of oblivious. l take mighty strides entering the brothel. For most people who know me, I am a very rich guy ,and I know that all girls want a hot ,rich guy like me. some god dam sexy girls comes up to me and ask "who would you like today,sir". Seems the one who present there self to me is the owner since she is the most prettiest one here.

She has long chestnut coloured hair which flowed with seduction , with shinning jewel like emerald eyes. Wearing a red scarf covering her like a coat draped on her shoulders. Her skin was like snow ,so fragile that it is glass.

With was my chance to get his smocking hot lady ... I should ask if she free. "Are you available" .

The gorgeous lady ask while laughing in a soft tone "How much you willing to pay" with flirtation in her voice.

"How about 1 million spiritual stones ,is that enough?" I pull out a bag full with spiritual stones from my storage pouch extending my arms out while shaking it showing it off on how rich I am.

She has a gleeful smile and says "I will be ready in a few minutes sir, while your waiting i will give you some women to serve you." She then turns and walks off to get ready. While a small girl lead me to a big room with a enormous bed, it could probably fit 10 people on there.

Then then these fairies come floating in with drinks to serve me with deity outfit on revealing their own power body. These fairies come flooding on to the bed and started to get close to me while serving me a drink of sake. They took a sip and then forced it into my mouth. 'Ah ,this was the life.'

Some time later I started to get bored of have these side dishes I was getting greedy and was wonder when the main attraction will come. Just then a tall figure burst into the room demanding that the owner of the brothel give him a rematch. But then paused when seeing me. I was disheartened. The girls that were serving me ran away cause of this man.

He slowly approach me and said " I am Qíngrén and you are beautiful how about I buy you and I can have a night with you".

I flinch hear what he said but I needed to find a way to get away from his psychopath. "what! dude I am not part of this place sorry but I don't need your money and I am into girls I don't know what wrong with you but leave me alone". He laughs.

"Oh. so your not apart of this brothel, then I can take you as a male slave then."

'what the heck is wrong with this man!' I get up to run out but this guy just chased after me.

He shouts " Hey! where do you think your going "

"why won't you leave me alone, I don't like men ". I scream back at him in anger and retaliation.

"you are to lovely and cute I can't leave I need you for my self!"

'oh my god I really need to loose this dude he is crazy.' I saw my chance when I saw an alley that had a dead end . I could quickly parkour my way up to the top of the building while he is confused on where I went ,I will head home on the roof .

I turn the Corner swiftly and used the wall to get enough jump to get over the towering wall. Before i left I took a little peek over that wall still dangling on the other side I see that pervert scratching his head in confusion could couldn't fathom where I disappeared too. But then I thought that he might catch on so I carried on. When i got home I threw my self on my bed, out of breath. 'What was that guy problem.'