31 || Meeting The Swift

"From what legends tell us, those with true mastery could create energy points within their body to endlessly draw on elemental power, influence the environment around them, or even unleash powerful techniques that could sunder armies."

Tara tilts her head as she ponders on what she's just been told. Beiling's explanation for normal aurators was different from what she was experiencing.

"What your family has found is different. You carry additional threads of energy along with your aura which I'm sure is the reason behind your growth. There's also something I wish to confirm." Beiling holds out a hand.

Despite knowing her teacher has seen her through, Tara's mouth parts slightly. Tara places her hand onto her teacher's. A pulse passes between them and Tara feels Beiling's aura enter her body. Having only been on the other side of this with Viyen, she now understood how strange an experience it was. She can sense the energy appearing in front of Wolyung and then Oorun, both of which Beiling smiled towards and petted for a moment before exiting.

"I've never heard of Soul Beads harboring within a person, let alone two of them. They're very cute! I felt the similar energy to your extra threads gathering around them, so I think their appearance might have something to do with your technique?"

Tara had been noticing excess Twin Sphere energy but hadn't really questioned it. Beiling's eyes brighten after figuring out some of the strangeness surrounding the girl. It was no wonder Tara and her family members were so strong! They practice a true element gathering technique connected to the most overbearing of the eight elements.

Before Beiling can speak of how they were to proceed, a knock is heard outside the door of her training room. A messenger was waiting outside.

"Headmaster, the students from the Long family have returned. Dark Saber's Kwang wishes to speak with you."

"The investigation is over? It hasn't even been a month. I certainly underestimated the Royal family's knowledge gathering skills." Beiling says, rising. Tara follows behind and sees the twenty odd students, with Kwang and Yaoyang at the front.

Leiana is already present, Yaoyang gently holding both her hands and talking softly despite the gathering crowd. At the arrival of the headmaster, each of the Long members knelt before her.

"Kwang, Yaoyang, Princess Leiana come with me. Everyone else, please return to your rooms." Everyone began to disperse, even Tara.

"Tara," Leiana's voice calls out, her tone carrying regality instead of the usual sisterly vibe, "As Viyen's appointed guard and hero against the kidnapping plot, you have the right to hear the findings of the investigation."

With that, Tara turns and follows behind them. They quickly arrive to Beiling's main office, her aura flooding the room to keep out prying eyes and ears. Tara takes her seat to Leiana's right with Yaoyang on her left and Kwang beside him.

"From what was gathered, the plot to kidnap Lady Viyen goes back several years." Kwang admits, anger in his voice, "The traitors within our family have been dealt with. They made no clear statement on whom the plan was formed with. However it's believed the animus Kingdom of Sharost is behind it."

Sharost was Riversword's nearest neighbor, Tara recalls from her history and politics lessons. Hostilities had always been an undercurrent but they were mostly peaceful even trading partners in various items. For them to plan and then act on kidnapping Riversword's princess, this could likely lead to war!

"As for if they were acting on orders from within the family, they wouldn't divulge that information. Afterwards they were quickly dealt with." Kwang's fists unclench as he sighs. One could tell that having people who he was raised with betray their family was taking its toll on him.

"Viyen has left Riversword with Dailen," Leiana reports without more explanation. Such a thing was obvious to all present: for one, it was to serve as Viyen's training and for two, few people from Sharost could match the Crown Prince's abilities. The strongest known within that Kingdom were high tier Marrow Sparking and Sharost was not connected to an Academy or Sect like Riversword.

"With that said," Kwang announces before rising from his sitting position and bowing towards Beiling, "I know you have recommended me to join the sect in the near future but I wish to go on a journey before I do so."

"You have no intention of seeking vengeance against Sharost for their actions?" Beiling asks the bowing young man before her. Her tone is like a blade to his throat.

"I only seek to better myself for the trails to come. I swear my martial road to Heaven's faith and Hell's conviction that I will make no movements against Sharost unless ordered by my family head or the King himself."

To swear on Heaven and Hell, with his path no less, assures Beiling that he won't do anything stupid. She feels a sense of pride that he wished to grow and make up for his weakness on his own, not solely relying on his education. Truly he would become a great leader some day.

"Then Long Kwang, you have my permission to venture out beyond the Academy. I will notify the sect of your decision. They will contact you when the entrance exams begin. Go and make your preparations." As the door closes behind them, Beiling turns her attention to the remaining trio.

"War may be on the horizon. Yaoyang you are aware of your role as Leiana's protector correct?" She asks him and he nods.

"Even at the cost of this life, I will make sure no harm reaches her." He declares, resolution flashing in his eyes. Leiana flinches at the mention of the vow to protect her. Beiling eyes move now to Tara, her gaze serious and demanding. They then soften and Beiling smiles.

"Well, then in the meantime, in place of your group and private practices, I'd like the three of you to do a joint training session. Tara has expressed some interest in element manipulation as well as dual affinities. Who better for both than the Thunder Serpent and Ice Pheasant, no? I will arrange a private section so you won't be interrupted."

With this the week spent returning to Riversword came to an end, Tara has an idea of what she would be starting tomorrow. To her surprise as she exited the game a notification appeared just as she did so.

[Desert's Swift Would Like To Be Your Friend!]

Tara logs out of the system completely instead of accepting or rejecting the invitation. Instead she contacts her uncle and godfather Tyrone at Starshine to look into this person. It was better to be safe than sorry and look into whoever this was. It did however bring up something that hadn't occurred to her: adding her friends to her in the game contact list. She hadn't thought of it because they were on a different server!

"Kristen!" Tara calls out as she enters the school with Renee and Qisma at her sides. They had just given Tara their in-game names or IGN and had no idea what was happening.

"What do you want Pakasa!?" Kristen's blonde hair swirls around with her posse of three other girls in tow.

"Do you want to go out on Saturday? I'll pick you up around lunch time?" Tara grins. Tara had long known Kristen had a crush on her since childhood but her family was much more conservative than Tara's own. In fact many of their classmates had figured out Kristen's feelings ages ago hence why they merely rolled their eyes at every challenge.

Kristen's white cheeks turned red instantly as a crowd had gathered the moment Tara had approached her. And now everyone had heard Tara's question so she couldn't just stomp away! This was just another hurdle sent her way to trip her up, well fine! She'll show her and everyone!

"No, I'll pick you up! You choose a movie and I'll pick where we have lunch."

"Oh you already have my number?"

"That's not important, Pakasa! Dress nicely, I won't be seen with a slob!" Kristen humphs and walks away as everyone cheers.

"Oh hey, what's your virtual ID?" Tara calls out to her as her phone vibrates.

[Flame Ribbon Would Like To Be Your Friend!]

Tara hits accept before she and her friends head to class. She gathers all of her classmates' IGNs, even those she wasn't too familiar with.

As Tara returns home, her godfather gets back to her. It turns out Desert's Swift is someone named Pakeeja Pa'ellen. They were from Pakistan! With a black niqab, Tara sees familiar amber eyes staring back at her. It was the person she fought during the Eight Swords trial! They had somehow found her even though it was improbable!

They were a year older than Tara and went to a prestigious school in their home country. They even had powerful connections that rivaled Tara's own which was why Pakeeja was playing as a Novelist.

Tara decides to accept the invitation before stepping into the virtual world. This time there's two doors like when she first started. One leads to her Story and the other leads her to a cafe-themed chat room.

Curious, Tara enters the chat room, the door actually jingling as she enters.

"Oh, hey you accepted!" The virtual reality's translator immediately gets to work as she sees a familiar shade looking girl.

"Pakeeja?" Tara asks she slides into the other side of the booth before her. Instead of a headdress that hides all their features, Pakeeja's wearing a light green hijab on their head. A hint of dyed red hair and emerald speckled amber eyes, twin snake bite piercings are parallel on her lips, and a bright smile.

"In the flesh," They joke, holding up a digital frappuccino. "And your Tara Pakasa, heiress to both Starshine and Blueriver, yes?"

Tara doesn't answer right away, pulling up the holographic menu and ordering a drink for herself first. It materializes a second later, a cup of mint tea with some sugar.

"You could say that I guess yeah. I don't really have much influence, though." Tara admits truthfully.

"Enough to do a background check on me?" They reply playfully and Tara looks sheepish in return, "It's fine, I understand wanting to protect yourself. Honestly you aren't an easy person to send a friend request to. Did you know your information is guarded by high grade protections?"

No, Tara was not aware of that but she wasn't particularly surprised. The virtual world could be just as dangerous as the physical one. "Then how did you find me?"

"It's that skill of yours, Dream Connect." Pakeeja answers. Tara feels as if there's more than that, especially if such strong protections were in place.

"I don't understand? When I look at the Skill, it's blank."