50 || Divine Mountain's Challenge (1)

Within one of the Western Continent's many empires, a young robed woman drinks tea with her eyes closed. The whole floor was empty besides herself and two level 11 Forefends from her Guild standing behind her. As this was currently the most expensive restaurant in her empire's capital during the Copper era, one had to imagine the wealth this woman amassed already.

"Big Sis Rose!" A starry eyed younger girl with a bright smile and short brown hair enters the room with a skip. She appears mostly human save for her feet which were clearly lion paws! Flower Brigade's Blue Rose merely replies with a smile.

Floating in the crystal white login space a young person with deep brown skin, short locs, and fierce bright citrine eyes blinks. A second ago they were facing down the tip of a pike. Now, before them is a faceless woman in white robes.

"We have been watching you. You lived nobly and humbly, helping others with your skills, and if those didn't suffice you sought aid in your neighbors. This kindness was not met with the same grace We know and as such you had to fight to protect those close to you. You were not ready. For such a protagonist who gathered strength for others, We would like to offer you a second chance and a choice, Daxel Wronzo."

The person, Daxel, watches as two doors materialize before them. The right door was black with white crossed swords. The left door was violet with a cobalt sphere overlapping a magenta pyramid in the center.

"The first door will lead you to a world where Our influence is felt strongest. There you will be with Our other blessed children. What you have learned and things you have collected will go with you but they will be governed by Our will. Your home will be barred for you from some time but even if you did return later, it would not be the same. Those you've come to know and love might be gone or irrefutably changed by your disappearance." The faceless woman says and somehow Daxel feels solemn.

"And if I choose the left door?" They challenge.

"How far you traverse after that will be based on your own efforts and desires!"

"But should you perish within, you will return back to the moment you lost your place within your Story, but the power you have gained beyond that door will remain with you. Then you can change your fate and possibly protect what you deem important."

"Thank you, truly." They say before stepping before the second door, "May I ask your name?" Instead of reply, a white coiling band appears on their arm.

"You will learn of Us soon enough." Daxel senses a grin and heads through the door before disappearing in a flash of tri-colored light.

"Is that wise?" Comes the multi-layered voice of the Main System. "They will not become a champion of yours."

"The fun is in taking the chance. You already found several to keep an eye on. It has been some time since I found a sweet soul. Besides, they remind me of Him." She cuts herself off with a sigh. The woman's dress stays the same but her skin is suddenly covered in snowy scales. Silver eyes with triangle black pupils, a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, as her hair suddenly wraps in a bun.

"You still cannot say His name? Did you not just meet a millenia ago during the Festival? If I recall you two--"

"I know what we did, thank you, sibling!" Her cheeks flush red with embarrassment despite her status and power in the universe. Darraks--vampiric elves--came into existence the last time they danced. Life was not their Domain but they couldn't help themselves. She waves her hand.

[The first Story Mode player has died! New Event in progress...]

"That should get everyone busy!" Her mouth slips into a smirk. The true voice of the System doesn't say anything which catches her attention.

"What are you hiding, the youngest of us all?" She tilts her head.

"What was it you said to them? You will learn soon enough." With that her sibling's presence disappears to another end of the universe but she feels no need to chase after. With a roll of her eyes she fades from the digital space.

With every player receiving the notification, a clamor broke out onto the international news stations.

The anchors give a simplified explanation of Renovel and this first death's significance. With the increasing popularity of virtual reality games, the stations would occasionally bring in expert players from local Guilds. Those well known from competitions drew plenty of views but that was nothing to those that cities claimed as their hometown heroes.

But, like the people on the forums, these experts only had speculations about what penalties came from the death. Fewer had even less guesses as to what the Event would focus on, especially since it was Renovel's first major one! Excitement was building among the majority of the players at the thought of the rewards.

In the turmoil, a few brave souls began to question the strength of Story mode players. Guilds and Workshops alike had sent a few of their best folk into the separate server but couldn't profit off them. Instead, they had weakened themselves and begun to think it wasn't worth it. This is met by a challenge from some of the Novelists.

When these second and third-rate Guild Leaders and Workshop Commanders saw first-rate figures Craven Sky's Fangless Snake or Immortal Regard's Triangle Halo retaliate, the posts were quickly scrubbed. However, those of the same level didn't fear competition!

That is how twenty commanders from various Guilds and Workshops accept the challenge of an anonymous Novelist. An arena themed chatroom, free to the public, becomes the meeting spot. The mixed Ancestry and Classes from both continents show a unique blend of styles and strengths. With level 9 being the lowest and a freshly reached level 11, they were certain they could pull their weight around.

Powers from all over, including Blueriver and Humilty's Blade, find their spots in the crowd. This is a chance to truly witness the difference between Adventure and Story mode players. Many Novelists kept their progress and abilities to themselves, not even informing their own allies what they were capable of.

The group of twenty waits patiently as the arena fills. Before long a lone woman approaches, dressed in a crimson red and lightning gold sari.

Her face is hidden behind a white expressionless mask. Deep sienna brown hands lay on her stomach as a cheetah-like tail swishes impatiently despite calm air about her.

"You all can either come to me or I can go to you." She drawls, her voice neutral.

The arena falls silent from how casual this is said. Only Blueriver's Iron Wall immediately recognizes the voice.

"Oh no," He says tiredly, causing his two guards to look at him quizzically. However before they can ask one of the Leaders speaks up.

"Are you crazy? You can't possibly--" His next words never leave his mouth, as she has already closed the distance. The level 11 Leader is shot out of the arena. The woman simply stands there with a single clawed finger, her other hand now behind her back.

No one in the crowd was able to perceive her movement. Not even Iron Wall's eyes could track her speed though his strength had transformed thanks to his new weapon. Those that are left didn't spare a moment, attempting to rush this woman. The fight only lasts for a few moments as this woman decimates all nineteen of them.

"I will not be talked down to by some first-rate trash," The woman scowls as she sits atop of the pile bodies. Who is this Novelist that can call first-rate Leaders and Captains trash but have the ability to back up such a claim? The gossip halts as a war banner is slammed into the arena floor with a familiar flag. With removal of the mask, Tara's aunt Tanisha is revealed, but most know her as Blueriver's Cloud Piercer. "All who witnessed this, heed my words: do not become arrogant. Though we won't display our strength as easily to the masses, we Novelists are not any weaker than Explorers."

Cloud Piercer's domination of the first-rate Leaders and Captains would later cause many people to join Story mode. The fact that she came out on top without any sign of Arts or Crafts was reminiscent of how her niece Starry River had done previously.

The video is also aired on news stations and game channels, definitely drawing more attention to Renovel. This surge in interest will later bring many new Explorers and the introduction of Artisans as a separate option entirely from the former. Many are eager to begin playing but currently the servers are down thanks to the new Event.

The day after the notification was sent, just after Cloud Piercer makes her point, the Orange Ocean Company releases information about the Event. It would be divided into three different categories: Solo, Party, and Crossover.

The [Solo] category lets Explorers experience Story Mode through a class specific Quest. For Novelists the Solo category is a private Dungeon that offers them a chance to gather hidden information about their Story. [Party] allows an Explorer to gather up to ten friends and go through a special Instance Dungeons. They would then be warped to a random Dungeon. While the rewards from each Dungeon vary the company guarantees double Experience!

Crossover got the most attention of the three categories. To be able to partake in this event, a small party of Explorers would need a Novelist to enter this category. Simply having their contact information would be the key to joining up with the Novelist. Orange Ocean Company was keeping quiet about Crossover the most part but surely it was the best chance for growth for both groups.

It wasn't likely that the Novelists who are professional solo players would seek out cooperation just for extra benefits, however, not when they had their own secrets to keep. The groups who had sent players to Story mode are cheering at their foresight. However, the downside is that while Party mode could have up to ten people present, Crossover only allowed four companions with each Novelist. With such a small number of players and the prizes of Crossover being unknown, it is a risk and many Guilds and Workshops wouldn't attempt it.

There are two groups that did really benefit: Lapis Tome and Ruby Blade!

Though the Party teams would be weaker without their Captains and Vices, everyone agrees it is best for them to join Crossover. While they had grown their ranks by fifty on each continent, there is a clear divide between the original, or internal, members versus the recently inducted.

For instance, only internal members have access to the chatroom while the game is down. Though with perks such as better Equipment plus a Residence that had easy access to Quests and their Shops, the new members sang their praises despite this. They realized they'd never match up with first-rate Guild members but at least they were a step ahead of average players and would survive.

Since Lapis Tome and Ruby Blade are smaller than other Workshops, it is easy to divide up for Crossover. In the two days before the Event truly begins, Gladiolus Rain and Syringa Fang choose temporary Captains for the main two Dungeon teams.