58 || Sacred Beast's Cavern (2)

At level 12, Gladiolus already has a 13 percent Block Rate because of her Whirl Tortoise Shield. This might not seem like much but each percent increases the chance that an enemy's damage might be at most nullified or at least reduced. The second immediate change on her status board was underneath Gladiolus's Experience Bar read:

However, when she goes to use the [Morale Book] nothing occurs.

"It says I need to learn a powerful enough Art at the same time as using the book." Gladiolus reports with a pout. She stashes it away for later with a shrug before rushing towards the four of the respawned monsters. Though it's subtle, Gladiolus's reaction speed and balance seem to have advanced a bit. She would later admit that she was feeling a little more comfortable in her virtual body.

The other six in Set Equipment immediately use the Prowess Book before following suit. Each of them got a title that enhances a singular aspect of their Class with the exception of Kingdom Lock. While she gained Weapon Proficiency, it seems that they weren't the only ones challenging the Continuous Dungeon. Asuka and Tara share a rare knowing look.

Following typical Dungeon Running rules, the last two Prowess books are given out through a roll system. Whomever rolls the highest of a 20 sided dice out of the number of participants gets the item. Later updates would make sure items through this system are protected for 12 hours because sometimes inter-party betrayals or outsider ambushes for coveted gear would occur.

The crystal takes into account the 24 players who enter its range, a total of 40 Kindle Vanguards to clash with. Even as they sweep through the monsters, the Prowess books' drop rates are abysmal with the Morale book being even worse. The teens have long forgotten their boost in rewards due to both Tara and Pakeeja's passive skills. While they had decided to farm for both items, this is a good opportunity to gain some more combat and level experience.

"Once you reach Vein Forging, I think you'll be able to help your friends with the Morale book problem." Wolyung muses. Ever cryptic, she nestles her chin onto Tara's shoulder as both Oorun and herself were several inches taller than their charge.

Though unseen, Oorun rushes to the field as the Explorers go to fight the growing numbers of monsters. Being unheard doesn't stop her either from instructing the melee users on proper form and useful angles.

'So you already know what's going to happen at Vein Plating then? She teaches you two all the time I take it?' Tara thinks towards Wolyung. Wolyung pulls back a bit to tilt her head cutely at the question.

"Only on Umbradays, when you enter that deep sleep. Our connection to her is strongest then." Wolyung answers earnestly. Tara's startled by that fact as that's the day she logged off before the next session. But didn't that mean--?

"How'd you know what that was?" Before Tara can finish the thought or ask another question, Pakeeja diamond shaped irises are upon her. They flicker for a moment over her shoulder as if Pakeeja can see Wolyung before focusing back on Tara completely.

After Tara explains that it was something taught to her, Pakeeja's begins investigating Academies within Adventure Mode. From what she learns through guide book makers for newbies, all seven classes could join their countries main Academy found in their capital city. It was said that Class specific Skills, Quests, and even Equipment are available as long as they pass a placement test. What is also mentioned was the price:

In the era where even Ultra Guilds had a few Silver to their name, Academies were asking for 20 Silver per test participant. Secondly, the level restriction is set to 20. Once they met that level it was impossible to join an Academy.

If the rumors are true and their Workshops can benefit from it, Pakeeja would certainly spend even 10 Gold for her friends. The issue now, however, is that Pakeeja is unsure what level the group would be towards the end of the Continuous Dungeon. Though it had taken several days, everyone was nearing level 13. Certainly the Final Bosses would not be stingy with their Experience. It wasn't as if--

"Goodie, I can finally try out my proficiency amplifier! I think 9 people is a good sample size to start with." Izel hums as she pulls out a small square device from her fanny pack sitting in her waist.

"Your what?" Both Tara and Pakeeja speak at the same time, the former intrigued and the latter knowingly concerned. Before answering Izel has already pressed the red button on the center as a pulse of energy spreads out from her.

"It should allow them to get more from the Prowess books for a small amount of time. It's one of the things I haven't had the chance to try out. You blow up a few laboratories with some untested magical items a few times and suddenly you're banned for a month from any practice runs! It's called innovation for a reason!" Izel huffs with a downcast look before shifting into excited curiosity.

Those with Prowess, now including Syringa Fang and Iris Ash among them, feel something shift as they kill the monsters in front of them. They find that their Experience bars have slowed while their new Weapon and Spell Proficiency bars have doubled!

Asuka and Tara finally get impatient to join the fight. Tara calls back Oorun and Wolyung as they both use a movement technique to appear before a Kindle Vanguard. The crystal grows darker and stronger in return. Even more monsters appear in retaliation for sensing their innate power level. Soon the group of 30 are fighting at most a 100 monsters but instead of feeling worried they're happy. This meant more chances to get more books!

As they use their numbers to help further boost their strength back in Adventure Mode, Asuka and Tara's hunch is correct. Inside an ore-filled chamber a group of five people from Humility's Blade continue their hour-long face down of a 60 foot ankylosaurus-like creature. Jagged spikes shot from its body including its mace like tail. This is the Sacred Beast of Metal, the Iridankyl.

The party consists of one Fire Ifrit sword wielding Infantry, a female Dwarf Summoner, a female Gigantis Forefend, and a Heal and Buff Focused Aquian male Wizard as well as their Novelist who is a dark skinned elven fellow. They are all of a similar age to Iron Wall and Cloud Piercer.

"Ghost, use your Wisps to keep it distracted. Orca stop buffing myself instead focus on healing Thunder." Strict commands came from the Ifrit. Neither of her swords are drawn, instead a blade of pure energy is in her right hand while an orb of fire is in her right.

"Dear, might I ask a question?" says the Novelist to his wife. If one looks closely they can see a resemblance to Asuka. This man is her father, the infamous Northern Sea.

The woman who had received the title [Commander] from the Prowess book glances at him. She is the feared and revered current leader of Humility's Blade. Royal Flame is none other than Asuka's mother.

"Yes, Darling?" Despite her harsh look of concentration, her voice is gentle to her husband.

Northern Sea quickly deflects the spikes the beast fires in their direction. "Would this not go by quicker if you used your swords with your Technique?"

What Royal Flame had been fighting with for some sessions now was not an Art nor a Craft. Instead it is an energy manipulation technique she had honed over the past two decades. Surely her reasons for doing so are good, like training the ability further--!

"But then they'll get dirty." The second most fearsome woman in all of virtual reality, who had hundreds of thousands people under her command, gives such a reason.

An uncharacteristic pout forms on her face as her features soften. "Asuka specifically had them crafted by one of her friends. You know as well as I do that she's going through her rebellious stage, so I should cherish this gift."

It was true. Asuka had asked if it were possible to make a daishō. Tara had eagerly accepted the challenge, using her academy points and connections to gather materials like before. The final product uses twin Smolder Serow Soul Beads that had formed at the same time.

"Commander please!" Begs the Vanguard Thunder Cutter as she feels her hands finally going numb from striking the Iridankyl.

"Okay fine!" Royal Flame huffs. The energy blade and ball disappear as she goes for her sheathes. Just touching the hilts causes her presence to spike as Fire Essence bleeds from her body. Unlike Storm Kitty who gives off a haze of Lightning Essence, small pools of magma around her feet as her energy liquifies.

It should be noted that besides her swords, the Equipment Royal Flame wears can't compare to the Steel General Set. If this is the pure strength of the second strongest woman, one could only wonder what Cloud Piercer is like when serious.

"Force Layer! Two Sword Style: Burning Cross!" She says. There is only the click of the blades to signify she brandishes them at all. Northern Sea, who spars with her frequently, can see the trajectory of two slashes.

A long and short wave of heat gashes the Sacred Beast. The longer vertical strike leaves a lava red cut splitting down the middle from the tip of its snout all the way to its tail. The short horizontal strike blinds the beasts before shattering several of its back spikes like brittle glass. With this damage not only is a good chunk of it's Health depleted, it also takes on the Burn status and has its speed vastly decreased. It enters its Beserk form but no real difference is made.

This Retention Technique allows Royal Flame to attack the same spot seven times with one swing. It didn't cost her any Resources either, other than some Stamina and Focus. For comparison, though Asuka has been practicing the move since she was six within simulations, she can only put two attacks atop of each other in the same attack. That was only the limit for Royal Flame if she were to use the technique in the natural world!

With the Iridankyl now severely wounded and slowed, Thunder Glaive is having a much easier time keeping it focused on her. This also allows Calling Ghost, the group's Summoner, enough to summon a few more Wisps. Previously, he had four of them on the field each with a unique shape: a tegu made of flame, a viper made of water, an earthy pangolin, a spring green hawk.

When a formless spirit or elemental is called, having a form in mind makes them not only more powerful but easier to control. The only downside is that doing so costs more energy. Imagination training is something he has passed down to Storm Kitty's generation of Summoners as their instructor. Now a gray turtle, electric blue rabbit, and twin white and black siamese appear. Calling Ghost has saved just enough Spirit to summon all of the Wisps he has under his command. The floating elementals rush towards the Iridankyl, Silver Orca casting multiple Buff spells so that way they can harm the Sacred Beast and withstand its counterattacks.

Both Northern Sea and Royal Flame no longer need to interfere with the fight. Thunder Cutter, Calling Ghost, and Silver Orca are old friends and part of Royal Flame's original team. They worked well with each other even without her presence and could easily lead hundreds of players by themselves. Eventually, they defeat their first Boss!