Party Of The Century

Billie Bob Jones

"Billie," a soft voice sang lulling me out of my sleep. "Billie, my baby boy." I opened my eyes slowly as I rolled onto my back and cleared my throat. Once I had regained my eyesight I saw Ma's bright eyes and big blonde hair look over me as she beamed, "Happy birthday Billie!" 

I ran my hands down my face as I sat up still a bit dizzy, "Thank you Ma."

She kissed my cheeks and gave me hug, "go brush your teeth and wash your face. Everyone down stairs."

"Is Benedito here?" I asked suddenly having a burst of energy.

She frowned and shook her head, "No, maybe he's running late."

Disappointment filled my chest but I plastered on a smile, "I'll call him."

"Don't take too long," she gave me another hug before she left my room. 

As soon as she was gone I grabbed my phone from my night stand and saw Benedito had sent a message. I quickly tapped on it. 

