[Bonus chapter] A Low Thunderous Voice

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

I had not stepped foot out of the hospital in over three days. All I did was wait and visit Bobby whatever hour I could. I would read to him the fan letters he had received and Jordon would as well. Each of us would rotate with a new batch and read to him for at least an hour. 

He had not moved an inch and at times his vitals were out of control. Twice he had an emergency that required Doctor Otto to quickly intervene to save his life. Twice Bobby had almost given up on us and each time I waited outside the intensive care unit, I would break down and cry not caring who saw me. 

For the first two days I had barely slept, no matter how much everyone begged me too. At the end of the second day my body gave up on me as I fell asleep on the chair in the ICU waiting room. When Hans found me he carried me back to the private room so I could get some rest.