[Bonus chapter] Safe Than Sorry

Benedito Goncalo Cruz Pereira

My body jolted awake when a loud scream tore through the air. I instantly checked to see if Bobby was safe and to my surprise the screams came from him. He was violently thrashing around in the bed as it visibly looked like he was pushing someone off him. 

His fists were tightly clenched as he threw punches before his body went into a foetus position as he tried to protect his head. His cries intensified and that was when I kicked into action. I gently placed my hands on his shoulders and shook him. "Bobby," I called out. 

He did not respond but after multiple attempts he woke up with a gasp. "Let me go," he screamed and tried to push me off him but I wrapped my arms around him. 

"It's me; Benedito," I desperately told him as he cried. "It's me baby."