her life

nithya left her alone and she dared to open book because how she was related to uncle. she opened the book.

( i felt strange to wake up . i am feeling bitter alone. that man was looking at me ... he was smiling . i felt chills on my body. i wanted to move but my body ... it doesn't helped me ... i felt pain in my lower body .... i was crying loudly . that person was laughing and looking at me. he woke up from bed and looking at me. i am feeling pain and my tears were dropping down and he was looking at me. i asked him ... why are you looking at me ....

unknown person : i had enjoyed you a lot but i want to do it in conscious shall we try ...?

radhika : don't come near to me . my brother will come and kill you .. i said innocently.

unknown person : oh really ... he sold you to us . instead he said that he never wants to see you again ....

radhika : no my brother will never say that words.

unknown person : but i said truth ..come baby lets enjoy . he came again to me. but i am restricting. he came closer and looking at my body parts. i had no chance to restrict. he then took me to bed and again started to do it . he pinched every part of my body. i was restricting him.. at that time door sound came.. his face was burnt... i am crying ... i felt pain in my heart. i want to go out but my body doesn't supported me. so i kept silent and went to wash room. my blood surrounded ground. i took my clothes in ground and washed my body. i think my periods came. so i went to wash room in rush. after my bath i saw the woman who i was seen yesterday. i went to her and asked her about my brother and told her about that old man. she said that this was common in this brothel house. i heard that .. i heard that word brothel house. really my brother sold me for money... no brother can't do this to me .... brother why you did this to me .....?

unknown lady : hey girl listen to me ... i know how you feel now... but i had to say this to you ....

radhika : aunty ... i dont want to be a slut .... please aunty ... help me to go out from this ...

unkown lady : no ... i also faced this in starting phase but after enjoying with them i feel i had good food and good things.. look at these jewels... and we will have lot of money ..

radhika : aunt we can have many things but we didnt have freedom to love and freedom to choose our life...

unknown lady : stop your nonsense.... today we are going to sold you to another brothel house....

radhika : no aunt ... my brother will come ... please aunt let me stay here and i will do all house hold chores and i will never question you ...

unknown lady : i dont have that power ... but you are already sold and your life is full of happiness with this white skin ...

radhika : aunty ... no please ... i begged her by holding her legs... she was more cruel because she slapped my hand because if she slapped my face .. there will be no business so she slapped my hand and asked me to dress well.

i was crying and i had only a option now ... to make my heart strong ... i had to be strong and so that i will bare this . i had to accept this. my life s never useful to me. now brother used me for his happiness. i know i am taking a strange decision. but this is the only choice now.... so i took clothes from ground and i wore a saree... i exposed my tummy and i wore jewels in my neck and hands... i am more beautiful now. i looked at myself and decorated myself good. . i looked at mirror and said myself that i was good enough. i opened the door but unexpectedly i saw that person.