she is mad

karuna came close to me ... i was frightened because if they kill my baby ... i can't ....

i ran through doors to escape from them ....

karuna : radhika come here ... your baby is already dead .....

i got angry .... what my baby is dead ..... you kill my baby ..... you are the culprit ....

karuna : what are you saying ..... you are a woman who keeps man always ..... you are a slut ... you know we never get pregnancy ... and we will never become mother .... she said softly .....

i was shocked to hear those from her .... she was always a hard lady to convince and also she was senior in this business ....

sister i was crying and she called that man inside that man was arrogant and didn't listen to her ....

karuna : ramana .... ramana .... come here ....

ramana : sister she is mad woman don't listen to her....

karuna : lift her ..... ramana she is in bad conditions ....

ramana : i don't care if she is dead ...

karuna looks at him and he lifted me .....

in home ... all were looking at me and curious to know what happened to me..... he slowly kept me in my room .... he went back to karuna sister ...

ramana : sister ... why are you caring her .....?

karuna: she is a golden egg .... you know that person ..who is famous in our state ... he wants her and her wife is going to die ..... he has a small child ..... if we keep her in her place she will give us money .... she is our money bank ..... if we send her we need not get her back ...

ramana : why does he want her .....

karuna: that kid ... who enjoyed her ..... got viral and that person saw that and demanded to buy her and also he will support us future .....

ramana : sister ... you are super ..... shall i sleep with you to night .....

karuna bits her lips and says okay to him .....

ramana : i don't want to call you as sister ....darling i like your b**bs ... please open it for me to night ....

karuna : i will be naked .. then

ramana smiles and went away ....

at night ... karuna room was fills with sound and people were afraid to go in because they know what was happening inside the room ...

karuna helps me by giving company and i was slowly recovering from that incident .... i was happy that she under stood me ....

karuna : radhika .... i heard that some one is looking for you ....

i asked whom it was .....

karuna : it was mr. vishnu from high class family ... he has a wife and a child ... but she was about to die within 6 months....

i was surprised to know her motive ...

i asked her that i was not ready to go again....

karuna : look radhika ... i know you never want to go to those ... but listen to me ....only few days .... then you will take leave for some more days in future

i was not ready but it was karuna sister who asked me so i said yes to her....

karuna came to her and smiled ...

it was a big villa .... there was a garden with beautiful flowers .... servants were looking after a baby ..... on a sudden her mother came .....

vibha : vidya ... come here to mom ....

vidya : mommy .... she was smiling and her cute dimples are so cute ..... maids were watching her and protecting .....)

what i was that kid .....i don't believe .... mom came for dad as a home wrecker ... mom ... i know this was hard to you but why mother ... what happened to mom and dad ..... why are they not here .....

at the same time priya who was a class mate ....

priya : hey vidya ... sir was calling you ....

vidya : sir .... but i heard that not sir ... your boy friend ...

priya : i warn you to not involve in my matters ...

vidya : but you involve right .....

priya : i only came to inform .....

vidya : i will come .....