court scene

several days later ...

at court ... judge was about to start the hearing ... police presented anwar and noor was with sulthana .... i know if i come to there it will cause a ruckus .. so i didn't .

public prosecuter was there. at anwar side ... there was a lady .. around 30 years. and a baby is there. he was a boy ....

boy : momma why dada is there ....

that woman : no son your father is falsely accused by his first wife. he said that his first wife was not a good woman .. before she end ... sulthana slap her in all ...

sulthana : how dare you to say about my aunt ... she is pure like a dove. you sly woman ... you said that he was a good man .. how can he become a good man .. he has relation with you in secrete ... you are a wick woman and a home wrecker ...

that woman : how you say that word to me ... you know he remarry me for my child .... he is god to me

sulthana : what ...?

at that time judge ask to present the case ..

pp ( public prosecutor ) ; sir this is a case of a murder and attempt to murder .. and our primary suspect is mr. anwar basha ... he kill his own sister and wife ..his wife was stab by him and last in hospital for days .. now i want to submit her to court for further ...

judge : ok then call mrs. noor anwar to examine .. sulthana slowly hold her to the side of arguing ...

noor gave a warm greeting with her bare hands ... judge also greeted back ..

judge : mrs. noor what mr pp said is true or not .. i want a statement .. from you .. you have to say the truth ...

noor took a deep breathe ...

noor : sir i was wife of anwar .. from past 20 years we are together. few months back he went to out and came after worshiping . he went to my sister in law house . mrs. fathima begum ... as i know she was a good lady and she had lost her husband years ago. from that sulthana is our family. she is my child. but after some years i found that he abused my another daughter radhika ... she was a in law home. my sis in law heard that he was abusing radhika. so she fight with us ... i don't know the cause but i support my husband... that was my mistake. he tortured her and tried to kill radhika so i ask to not come here. she is a good girl. she want us to talk but anwar got nerve and kill my sis in law fathima. soon we admit her to hospital by that time anwar hold a knife and want sulthana and radhika. i took that stab and was hospitalized. by that time his second wife help him to stay in prison .. this was happened

judge looks at anwar ....

judge : anwar basha do you accept this truth....? he questioned ...

anwar looked at noor and his second wife ...