he was vikram

i dont know how he knows he came to me at the time of our marriage .. and he look at me with his pathetic eyes ...

vikram : sulthana .. do you really think you are not loving me anymore ... i can bare that you didnt love me ... i can live with your memories for life along ... can you assure me that you will have a happy life after your marriage ....

sulthana : i was confused at that time sister .. i know i was doing wrong .....

she looked at vikram .. vikram was silent whole the time ... he know that how hard she has endured .... she was not herself when she was marrying. i know that she loves me. i know that she will accept me gradually. so i tied knot in her in front of chand while he was looking at sulthana.

sulthana : i don't know sister ... i really don't know sister. he tied knot and ask me to come home along with me.

i was happy to see vikram and sulthana was married. i was about to jump from building. finally sulthana life was on track. how many times i have to thank god for her life. once my life was worst with those bustards.. they used to do s*x with me brutally ... i know how hard to live a life which is hard to live . i was happy for her. i said to noor about him. noor aunt was also happy by looking at them.

how can life be this sweet with people who loves us being surrounded. i was happy and was looking at both couple .. sulthana was still sobbing .. vikram was consoling her. i know she had faced many in her life. she was not aware she was raped in her childhood ... how can he rule her life... she feels that by his touch she became impure soul ... main problem arose at that time ... we didnt know that time was about to happen ... we are all happy . sulthana was thinking in deep.

another side chand was furious that how can sulthana betray him ... i shall kill her for making me a laughing stock in front of every one ,....

i went to out to buy some things after marriage. in my childhood i saw a marriage and i know some traditional customs. she has to go to her mom in law house .. will they accept her .. what will happen after her marriage .. what will chand will do to her .. i was thinking ... i know i am a weak soul but my will power is strong that i had to protect them ...