hearty welcome

this place is divine with people around who were kind heart ....

vibha : dont be nasty mukhund come on let me come with you ... later she make him off from her sight .... i was stunned why was there a problem with in the family .... ramya had two sons one is mukhund and another is vikram . she has a only daughter and her name was sheena .... sheena was a proud lady ... she was with her husband abhimanyu .... abhimanyu was a cold blooded animal... sheena came to mukhund to help his husband because he was working in a business empire ... he was a black eye .. he forced some minor companies to sign major share in his name .... sheena has a boy and girl .... they were twins ..... his husband loved sheena much because she was too cruel by nature .... her husband once was tricked by a small company and ended up in court .. at that time sheena came to mukhund to help her husband .. she has no idea that opposite people already came and end with coordination ... she asked her brother to help them ... but mukhund was a good person he ended up with giving prison life to his brother in law and alone life to his sister .... those small companies thanked mukhund for his generosity and later they were exclaim their happiness for bringing truth to court .. at that time he doesnt know that sheena was a tiger to eat them .... so he was unaware of that and helped her sister to stay with him ... sheena was utterly dissapointed with his brother and later ended up his father life ..... but mukhund didnt drag this and kept this away ... this was his major mistake and sheena was troubling him everything he has ... he also kidnapped vidya .. so he was afraid of their safety ... so vibha was some what struggled to say home affairs to radhika... by that thought she ended up chatting with me .... this was like a movie ... but it was real ... by blackmailing mukhund she wanted to kill who were staying for him ... vikram also asked his brother to file case against her but he was too sensitive that his sister was one who he cares most now she also killed her father he was not stupid to go against sheena ... so he was hiding and protecting his family....

now vikram was married to sulthana .. she was to worry about her safety too .. so she took before handing vidya to vibha ....

vibha : radhika .. i hear that new married has to do many things ... i dont mine to give money .. i am also sister for sulthana .. take this small money and buy a present for them .... if you dont mine ,.... after three days shall you take them to home ...

i nod with her words and turned off to gate ...

inside home there was a ruckus ... i know and i expected this before ... i was looking outside and noor was lightly startled by that composure of sulthana ....

noor : sulthana he is your husband please show some respect ...

sulthana : aunt you don't know about him he married me and ididn't accept this ...

vikram : sulthana why you always worry about past .. come lets have a good talk .. he was giving some peace to her .. sulthana was furious and she didn't acknowledge him as her husband and gave a cold glare at him ...