Doctor rudhra raja varma

Vibha : do you want to see him...

Ofcourse mom .. He is my brother.radhika mom only son and for me he is important than anything.

Vibha : then ask your husband to meet him..

What are you going to say akshay know about my brother..

Vibha : yes his best friend doctor rudhra raja varma.. Son of amar raja and radhika sharma. He was gem of his profession.

Mom .. Can i meet him ...

Vibha : rudhra doesnt know about this . So meet him as a casual meeting .vidya i had a question..

What was it mom.. I asked him in a confusion..

vibha : how do you know about rudhra and radhika..

Mom... I rode diary of radhika mom... Actually you dont know how she died .. She was killed mom.. She was killed by that idiot.. But you know she escaped and made up as a suicide. That was why i investigated. Later i found the news of her death mystery.

Vibha : who killed her ...

This was suspense .. I will show you the culprit within days...

Vibha : did you pass your exams..

I was expecting my posting this month around mom. And another news for you.. Dont say about radhika mom. Vinay sharma will make a bad thing for us.

Vibha : i kniw about that indeed i also want to inform you about that ...

Mom do you know his first daughter was dead and his second daughter was friendly with him.

Vibha : only god knows how cruel he is to his daughters also he only wants fame . He wants persons who will bring fame to him.

Mom.. Lets go Out .. They will wait for us.

Outside room... Rudhra was waiting for vibha..

Rudhra : akshay why your wife calling my mother as mom...

Akshay : because she was your sister..

Rudhra : but why didn't mom say this before...

Akshay : because your mom is the one who knows about it ..

Rudhra : look mom and sister were coming....

By looking rudhra radhika momwas striken in my mind..he is rudhra.. He is really rudhra. He came here for akshay .. That means it was completely a coincidence to meet them here.. I want to hug you rudhra .. I want to cry in your hands .. I want to say how much your dad loved your mother. How you born and what was the situation after your birth. You know you was now only sihbling i had. I really feel happy for you rudhra.. If god gives me to go back. I will kill that vinay sharma and give you and mom a peaceful life.

In my mind those were running. Rudhra saw me. He was looking into my eyes.

Rudhra : sister .. Happy married life...

Thank you brother.. I had tears in my eyes.. Today was the day i was been waiting for ... Finally i got to see you ..

Rudhra : sister do you know me before...

I know you before a month back a few pages before radhika mom wrote about you. She says that her blood and muscle were wasted because of that man vinay sharma but he still wants to make money from her. How can mom will accept that so she deliberately got mad and made him to this extent ... Yet she has only regret that she was not seeing you .. May be she missed you alot . But why she left you .. I dont know why mom gave you to vibha mom...

Rudhra : sister.. I am so happy that you married to my senior. Senior my sister is innocent please take good care of her..

As she feel now how can a brother take care of his sister.she was now experiencing it..

Akshay : she is innocent .. Just in dreams