akshay took his wife to his house .... hall room was silent and filled with peace ... in a minute there will be a storm ...

akshay : aadhya ... i know this is hard for you ... but this is the only thing i can do ...

aadhya : brother two ... i know this is hard for both of us ....but i want to get away from this country and this disgusting world ...

sara was about to leave home to meet her friends ....

there she saw aadhya ....and akshay ....

akshay : mom ... this is your daughter in law aadhya ...


that old man was looking at the simple girl....

ramesh : i will definitely help you with that .....

tanya : i am so happy with that then .....

ramesh left that place with that matter ....

later vinay sharma came into that room ....

vinay : tanya .... why are you doing like this...? he asked in a soft tone ....

tanya : dad ... you think i am a prostitute ...

vinay : prostitute is better than you ... you slept with your father ....

tanya : dad .... do you want that right now ...

vinay : what do you think about that ... he gave a cunning smile ....

tanya : i am ready dad ..she also gave a smile ....


rudhra : sister ... why you came here ....

vidya : rudhra .... i has joined in a special team .... now i am a responsible police officer now...

by hearing those words ... rudhra was excited ...

rudhra : sister .... i was so happy for your news ....

vidya : brother ... can i hug you ....

rudhra hugs her and becomes emotional ..... she also hugs him strongly ....

(vidya brother ...i want a hug from mom .... i am happy o see you brother ... from today ... i will take revenge on behalf of you ... i am happy mom ... he is your son and he is now my brother ... you know mom ...i miss you ... i want you back .... she has tears in her eyes ...)

rudhra : sister it has been time mom wants to visit you once ...

vidya : i will take your brother in law to our house ...

rudhra gave a symbol of okay to her and went to look for his patients ....


after a passionate scene ... she was unable to get out from her bed ....

tanya : dad ... why you want to betray your wife because of this illegal relation....

vinay : tanya ... you are different from your mom .. she is just a toy for me ... i know i gave a life to two but ... i never expect this ... but i am so happy for this ...


after leaving that room vinay sharma enter into his office ...

tanya on another side was felt disgusted ....

she knows she was doing wrong .... but she has no choice ... she left into a loop .....


on a night .... tanya came to home late.... she knows she was late but she was not certain....

her boyfriend ask her to come to his room ... she didn't want to go .. but she had no choice ,,, but to end up with him...

he was so mean ful person..but he has dragged her down....

that night she asked her father to go out for trip ... he has accepted it while he was thinking anothe one ...

in room .. there were two ..

thakur : tanya ..... i love you come to me ...

tanya : thakur ... you know i am not fittest for this ... i want to go to home ....

thakur got angry and dragged her to bed .... he lay on top of her .... tanya was struggling ... but he was not letting her go ...

he was removing her clothes ..... she was completely naked ... he was giving his thrust to her ... she was struggling but he didn't let her go.... he was doing rape . but she was still a young girl ...

at the same time ... a man came into her room .....