she was alive

yogesh : mom .... what was your past with that person ...?

radhika : he was my brother .... he sold me to brothel house and later he killed my husband ....

yogesh : mom ... you are married to whom ...?

radhika : his name was .... amar raja varma ...

yogesh : mom .... you mean textile industries king is your husband .....

radhika : yes ..... he was my husband ..... he is every thing to me ... but he was killed by this person ..... i didn't saw him on his last burial time also ..... all these was because of this person .... he is my biological brother but he was the one who ruined my life ... yogesh .... hurry up i want to show my face to him and i want to say him that this was karma ..... .


aadhya : why am i like this ...? akshay i also love you but i want to stay away from you ..... this was our ending ... may be next life we will be together ...., sorry my husband .... i am so sorry for every thing ... she wipes her tears .....


in a private villa ....

guard 1 : sir was coming... come lets go to our work ...

within half an hour all are arrived at that villa ...

yogesh : mom please come out .....

radhika slowly comes out and looks at that villa .....

radhika : yogesh ..... am i doing a mistake .....

yogesh : this is not a mistake mom ...this was sin .... by his fate he was like this no one will escape from this ... mom i respect your decision .....

radhika : do you know yogesh ... how i feel when my husband was killed by him ..... i feel like i am a shit ... i will give the taste of his own medicine ....

by then she enters into the villa ..... room was spacious ... inside the room a man was tied with ropes and he was struggling hard ..... he was given stake rice .... he was eating like a beggar ... pity on him ... he was once a famous officer but now he is far different from what she thought about ...

radhika : hello brother ...long time no see .... how are you ... hope you will have a pitiful death .....

vinay : who was it ... who ..... who ... he was yelling like hysteric patient ...

radhika : i thought you will remember me for your life time ..... but i guess wrong .... oh my ..... brother .... i am your sister radhika sharma ... do you remember me..oh right ... how can you remember me ..... you are the idiot brother of me ....i can remember you because i never forget you what you have done to me ..... so pity of you brother ...see mom and dad were looking at us from above .... if they see me like this how can i show my face to them .... i am already old.... you know i am waiting for this moment from past 20 years ..... how much humiliation .... how much pain .... how many members you were killed ... you find happiness right .... now i want my happiness .... boys get that couple enter .... she show gap to the door ....

vinay : radhika ..... is that you .... am i dreaming,.... you are still alive ....