your grand child

radhika :what was that vidya...? she was so happy to see her daughter after a long time ... but was puzzled with her question..

vidya raised her hand and kept her hand in her tummy position... there was no moment and she was similarly got anxious to her words

vidya : mom... i am pregnant and you are going to be grand mother... this is your grand child

radhika was relatively happy to recieve this good news.

on another side aadhya was desperate to leave this place with Tanya. Tanya was recovered now. so she wants to go along with her sister and her baby now. Akshay was reluctant to leave her.

so Tanya went to Akshay room when he was alone and touched his legs with her bare hands..

Tanya : cousin .. i am sorry..

Akshay was shocked to see her in this situation ..

Akshay : Tanya .. what happened .. why are you here .. and why you want me to forgive you ...

Tanya : i had done a ruthless thing .. so you and my sister was suffering this because of me. i am so sorry cousin..

Akshay : what was happened .. let you tell me clearly .

Tanya : cousin .. i drugged you and forced you to enter aadhya room. so she was pregnant with your kid. he was not bastard that you mentioned before. she also has no boyfriend from childhood she loves you ... but she doesn't know who made her pregnant but she knows who made her pregnant .. but what if you don't remember that . so she holds back her self respect and wants to leave this place. i don't want to divide you both. cousin please stop her from moving. she loves you more.

by listening to her confession . his mind went black. what he is the father of the child . what nonsense she was spouting. is this a thing to play with. he also called his own son as a bastard and he wants to make her abort his own child. does he have a chance to regret . does he have to beg for mercy.. will aadhya accept me as her husband and accept me as a father to her child. how rogue he was . he didn't realise that he wants to abort his own baby. what a lame joke. he was self depressed . how cruel he was to that unborn baby. will baby forgive his dad for his lame actions... baby i am so sorry ... please accept my sorries. dad will protect you what happens in future dad is there for you ... he looked at Tanya .. she was still crying.

Akshay : Tanya you had done a great mistake but this is not the correct time to discuss where is your sister

Tanya : cousin sister went to krish brother house to give good bye.

Akshay : ok i will go there and be responsible for your actions i will come along with your sister. thanks for saying this now.. other wise i will lose two important and mean to my heart..

by that word he flood off from scene and rushed to krish house.


krish : is this you want aadhya ...?

aadhya : i am doing this for my baby brother..

krish : but you are diving your and your baby's father..

aadhya : but this baby father wants to kill this baby. i will never accept this

krish : i will talk with brother in law.. please relax for a bit ..

no need .. a sound echoed from door and all were shocked to see the person who it was ...