malicious thoughts

Rudhra remembered that day .... She was in deep sleep and he was trying to rape her. He didn't show his face to him. But he had a hidden smile . Rudhra was outside the fencing and looking at him with fierce eyes.

Rudhra : you mother f***er leave her.

Unknown person : do you want to save her. Come save her. Boys surround her and leave the every single piece of cloth in air . She was unconscious and they were physically abusing her. He was looking at them with blood shot eyes. Some were came to him and kicking him in his main points . She was still in coma and he was calling her repeatedly. His eyes were covered with tears and were streaming down. He took courage and look at his side ways. He hold a iron rod near by and came to them. They were in fright but they also took some instruments from surroundings and fight back. He used his internal force and fought with them for 15 minutes. She was trembling with fear and he was touching her private parts and suddenly she came out of her dreams and looked at her surroundings. She was covered in hospital gown and her surroundings were bright light room with four walls. She was connected with infusion and she blinked her eyes to see the world.

Another side rudhra was crying in his mother lap. She was smoothly caressing his hair.

Rudhra : mom... Why this happened to her..

Radhika : rudhra .... Don't leave her.

Rudhra : never mom.

Radhika : if she asks you about yesterday... What are you going to say... She asked curiously.

Rudhra : mother ... I am your son ... Who ever touched my wife .. he will be punished by me .

Radhika : rudhra ... Are you going to marry her..? She asked doubly.

Rudhra : mom ... First I will kill them and then I will marry her.

Radhika : this is not correct rudhra. Because of my own problems. I created mess in all your lives. This is not correct

Rudhra : mom you never messed with our business. Indeed you are true inspiration for us.

Radhika : rudhra ... Promise me that you will marry her within a year

Rudhra : mom I promise you. From today onwards I will go through them and find every rascal who were there.

Radhika : rudhra ... I thought you were intelligent but not ...

Rudhra : mom .. what are you going to say..?

Radhika : just think once rudhra ... How can you explain this situation to her.

Rudhra : mom....