
To say I was livid would be an understatement because I was close to exploding. I told Dolores to treat Kai with respect and she did the exact opposite by destroying his clothes. The look on his face when I walked in was utterly heartbreaking. His eyes were red-rimmed from the tears that cascaded down his cheeks as he held his torn-up clothes against his chest. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into my arms and tell him that everything will be okay, but I couldn't. Not until I took care of Dolores and her behavior toward him. So instead I took his torn clothes from his hands and wiped the tears from his cheeks telling him that I'll get Tony and Caden to accompany him the next morning to the mall to purchase new clothes and that made him feel a little bit better.

After speaking with both Tony and Caden about taking Kai out tomorrow -I made sure that they took guards with them in case they encountered Rick or his men-I made my way to my room. Of course, John also tagged along as it would make Kai feel more relaxed having someone he knew with them. After a restless sleep and having spoken with both Tony and Caden in the morning making sure they bring enough guards with them, I made my way toward Dolores' sleeping chambers where I heard her having a conversation with another maid. The night before I had tossed and turned after leaving Kai's room and all through the night I made up my mind regarding how to deal with Dolores and her behavior. Especially after what she had done to Kai's clothes and him earlier in the day.

"That faggot deserved it. I don't know why the Boss gives a shit about him," I heard Dolores say

"Dolores!" The other female voice gasped, "how can you say that? How could you destroy his things? Do you have any idea what the Boss will do now?"

"He won't do anything other than reprimand like always and he'll eventually realize that what I did to that fag was the correct thing," Dolores said and I could practically see her smirking.

"You're stupid if you think that he'll let this slide. You've gone against his orders. You're lucky he didn't do anything to you last night which only means he's got something planned for today. He's not just going to reprimand you this time. He's going to punish you. And you calling his guest a 'faggot' is just wrong especially when you know his brothers are both married to men," the other female, who ninja it recognized as Cindy, said and she wasn't wrong about me having something planned for Dolores. I would have done something last night but I didn't want to leave Kai when he was distraught after what she did to him and his clothes.

"Oh shut up Cindy, I'm confident that the Boss won't punish me. I mean who would? I can pleasure him and he'll forget about this," Dolores said making me clench my jaw

"Are you fucking stupid or are you just acting the part? What makes you think the Boss will ever look at you as nothing more than a maid?" Cindy asked and I couldn't help but smirk at her tone. She was amused by Dolores' words as much as I was, "you're nothing to him other than a housemaid Dolores and you're wasting your time if you think that he'll ever see you as more. A word of advice? Give up this illusion that he'll ever treat you as an equal especially now that you fucked up by destroying his guest's belongings and insulting him with such cruel names. Just because Mr. Kai enjoys wearing women's clothing doesn't make him any different than you and I. He's such a human being as the two of us and deserves respect." I could hear shuffling before the door was pulled open making me take a step back pretending that I had just arrived. Cindy looked at me with wide eyes, "Boss"

"Evening, Cindy. Is Dolores in?" I asked feigning ignorance of what had just happened seconds ago. She blinked before nodding her head, "you may be excused then"

"Thank you, Don" she replied before scurrying away leaving the door ajar before I walked in. Dolores was facing away from the door.

"Are you back to chastising me again for insulting that weirdo?" She asked not turning around to see who had actually walked in, "or are you back to help me find an outfit that I could use to seduce the Boss?"

I rolled my eyes as I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed over to my chest as my right ankle crossed over my left, "either way, I plan on getting him to forget about his punishment. Or maybe that's not such a bad thing,"

"Red is not my color," I eventually said making her freeze in her movements, "I prefer black or dark blue never read"

"Bo-Boss" she squealed turning on her heels to face me, her hazel eyes bulging out of their sockets as her mouth fell open in shock

"I would have fancied you if you had a stick and two balls between your legs but alas you lack that," I started making her face heat up with a furious blush, "And if I did bat for your team what makes you think that I'd be easily seduced?"

"I-I" she stuttered wrinkling the red dress she held me in her hands. Dolores was a beautiful woman with long midnight-black hair with hazel eyes. She was slim with a small bust and curves in the right places but her personality was one thing she lacked. She was disrespectful even after having been told to respect my guests, especially Kai as he was going to be a permanent guest here. Not only that but her degrading words towards people who were different were also another turn-off and also she was lacking a certain appendage between her legs. She also has slept with half -if not more of my security guards and even had taken three or four at a time.

"But I didn't come here to speak with you in regards to my tastes," I said and she visibly swallowed and her eyes were diverted to the ground, "Did you think that you would get away with what you did to Kai?"

"He's not a normal person, Boss" she murmured making me sneer at her though her eyes remained downcast, "he's a freak! I mean what kind of man likes women's clothing? It's not natural!"

"WATCH YOUR TONE!" I snapped when she looked up at me with fury in her eyes that quickly vanished upon realizing that she wasn't speaking to someone that was her equal and widened her eyes again and began apologizing but I raised my hand silencing her, "You had no right to destroy his clothes. You were ordered to fix his room and put his belongings away. Do you think that I'd let this pass? You're far mistaken if that's what you thought I'd do, Dolores."

"I'm-I'm so sorry, Boss"' she whimpered making me give out a humorous laugh, "it was wrong of me to do what I did but please don't punish me"

"Didn't you just say that you wouldn't mind it?" I smirked raising a brow and she flinched, "I believe that it's time that your punishment be given, don't you think?"

"N-no, I'm so sorry I won't ever go against your orders but please don't punish me, Boss" she begged practically falling to her knees as she held her hands in a praying form tears streaming down her cheeks but I just grabbed her roughly by the arm and dragged her out of her room towards a certain room. She began to sob as other maids and butlers looked our way. She kept blabbering apologies but I don't give two shits about them. She didn't only disobey my orders but she went and destroyed Kai's belongings and insulted him by name-calling him.

"Well, well, if this isn't a nice surprise," a sadistic voice asked upon arriving at our destination and Dolores instantly froze as she looked up at the male before us with wide eyes, "who gave you permission to look up, Pet?"

"Good morning, Lorenzo" I greeted the man before me and he bowed his head in respect and greeting

"Good morning boss, is there a reason why you've brought me a toy to play with?" He asked his eyes filled with mischief and lust making me chuckle as I pushed Dolores towards him and watched as he whispered in her ear before she walked into his bedroom -she was shaking at whatever Lorenzo had ordered her to do-and he stepped out closing the door, "Care to tell me what happened for to you to bring her to my chambers-not that I'm not complaining at all, I'm quite glad and I'm sure I'll enjoy myself before much with her-I'm just curious,"

"She disrespected a guest of mine last night by cutting his clothes and not only that but she insulted him as well by calling him degrading names, such as fag," I started making him clench his jaw. One thing I knew about Lorenzo was that he loathed when people call others names. He especially hated people calling homosexuals fags like what Dolores called Kai while she was speaking with Cindy, "after she's received her punishment you are welcomed to do with her as you please as she will no longer be allowed to return to work for me, she has crossed the line and I do not tolerate disrespect of any kind."

"You can rest assured that she'll learn her lesson," he smirked making me chuckle as I could already picture what his sadistic mind is planning to do to her, "once she's done with her punishment she'll head to her former chambers to retrieve her belongings before returning to me to be my submissive if that's alright with you, of course," he said and I only shrugged

"As I said, do as you wish to her but that doesn't mean that you are to neglect your duties as a snipper" I stated

"Of course, Boss, no need to worry about that, I assure you," he replied and I nodded

"Very well then," I said, "I'll leave you to it, then" he nodded and bowed in respect before entering his room and I could hear him yelling orders at Dolores and heard a soft whimper from inside but shook my head before leaving him to do as he wishes. Don't get me wrong I would have punished her on my own but I was not in the mood and knowing the fact she was hoping to be punished by me disgusted me as I can already picture her getting aroused by it.

Lorenzo Mason is one of my most skilled snippers. He's been with me since I took over the gang at 17. We've been friends even before that and he was quick to assure me that he'd be at my side until the end, much like the rest of my men have done. Anyway, he's into the whole BDSM thing which I don't care about as long as he didn't let it interfere with his work.

As I made my way to my office, I couldn't help but wonder how Kai was doing and if he was having as much of a good time as he can with Tony, John, and Caden with him. Well one way to find out, and that's to wait for them to return.


"Thank you so much for accompanying me today," I heard a soft voice a few hours later from outside my door

"It's no problem at all, Kai," the voice of Caden replied and I could picture him giving Kai a warm


"We're just glad that-" I didn't get to hear the rest of the reply as their voices soon quieted down as they continued their journey down the hall to most likely Kai's bedroom. I smiled at the fact that he had a good time out of the house even if he had to take an army with him. Shaking my head, I put the file I was looking over down on the desk before deciding to go and check on Kai.

"As I said, don't worry about the money. Zeke gave orders to buy you everything you liked" I heard Tony say through the slightly opened door and by the sound of his voice it seems like he and Caden have had this conversation with the young man at least a hundred times today which made me silently chuckle

"I know but I still feel bad. We spent so much" Kai argued back in exasperation

"Money is not a problem believe me if it was he would have given us a limit but he didn't. So don't stress yourself out, alright?" Caden replied

"Ugh," was all Kai said and that's the moment I decided to make myself known and knocked on the door, "Come in, doors open" I gently pushed the door open and my brother and his husband quickly greeted me with head bows of respect before turning to Kai with Caden saying

"Thank you for a nice relaxing day today, hopefully, we can do it again in the future" Kai only smiled and nodded

"Thank you for coming along even if your brother ordered it," he replied looking over Caden's shoulder at me and I rolled my eyes, "I also had a good time today despite everything"

With that exchange, Caden and Tony walked out of the room with Tony closing the door behind them on the way giving Kai and me privacy to talk.

"I take it you had a good time then?" I said and he nodded giving me a shy smile

"I did, thank you for having them tag along with me today," he replied as a soft blush coated his pale face making me nod with a smile, "um, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I replied and he bit the inside of his cheek contemplating how to ask whatever it was that was on his mind

"D-do you know where my dad is?" He asked looking up at me with hopeful eyes and I blinked taken off guard by the question but I nodded my head in reply -even though I have a feeling that Landon might not be in the same place he's been hiding undercover for the past few months since I last spoke with him but it didn't hurt to try right?- and he swallowed before asking, "ca-can you tell me? Is there a way I can see him?"

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes. Very much. I haven't seen him or the rest of my family in years and I wish to reconnect with them again" he replied his eyes filling with tears, "I-I want to tell him how sorry I am for running off the way I did and for never contacting them,"

"I'm sure they'll understand. And I'll look into getting in contact with him but I can't guarantee that he'll be in the same place he's been in the last time I spoke with him, so please don't be upset if he doesn't reply or answer when I reach out to him, okay?" He nodded in reply. "Now tell me how your day went"

He wiped his eyes and a bright smile took over his face as he recounted his trip to the mall with Caden, Tony, and John and how he had dragged them all around the shopping mall with Tony and John complaining the entire time while my brother, Caden, teased them and joined him in buying new clothes and giving him advice on what to buy before stopping to have some lunch. All in all, he had a blast and seeing him smile warmed my heart tenth fold.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself today, Kai," I said once he finished retelling his trip

"Thank you again for allowing me to go out even if I had to take a whole army with me, I had a good time," he replied glaring at me then making him look like an angry cub than what he was intending to look like making me smile, "um, I wanted to know what happened to the girl who cut my clothes."

"She's being punished as we speak, so don't worry she won't be a problem anymore" I replied making him frown

"Punished?" He asked and I nodded

"Yes, she not only disobeyed my orders by trashing your bedroom but she destroyed your clothes and disrespected you by doing so even if I had told her she was to respect you,"


"Hey, don't worry about her alright? She's not going to do you any more harm than she has already I can assure you. Now, why don't you take a nice and relaxing bath before joining the others and me in the dining room for dinner?" He nodded before freezing when I did something I didn't plan on doing and that was lean over and give him a short kiss on the forehead before leaving him alone on the bed.

Fuck! Why did I have to be so stupid and do that? He's probably thinking that I'm a creep now. Ugh!

Don't be dumb, Zeke!

I rolled my eyes and decided to do just as I had suggested Kai do before heading down to the dining room for dinner. This is going to be a long and awkward dinner that's for sure.