Story of Molly

Part I

"No, please don't take me to that room again, please father", I cried out as a huge well built man pulled me by my hair, taking me downstairs to a very gloomy and dark basement.

We arrived at a huge dusty and black door, he opened it and threw me in. "No, let me out", these were my last words always when I was thrown in.

Poor Molliton, he's just a poor boy, nobody loves him, he thought to himself. He looked at Molly, his beloved Rag doll.

He hugged molly as he cried to his knees and shortly, he was fast asleep in his despair of the one he calls father.

"Harold, he is just a child, he should love what he wants", a woman said to a huge man. The man slapped her and beat her to the ground.

Molliton ran out as he held the woman bleeding. "Mom, mom", he shouted as he cried out.

She let out her bloody hand and touched his face as she gasped and took her last breathe.

"No", Molliton shouted as he ran towards his father and started hitting him.

"You killed her, how could you?", Molliton said as he cried out. His father stood up and grabbed him by the hair as he screamed.

Molliton wakes up in sweats as he looks around and thinks of his mother. He looks around as he can't seem to find molly.

"Molly, molly, where are you?", He said out as he searched around the dim lit room. "Molly", he shouted louder.

"I am here", he heard a cute voice coming from behind a musty box. He was startled.

Molliton crept slowly towards the box as he looked behind, suddenly his ragdoll shoots out behind him.

He jumps up afraid. "Hi Molliton", his ragdoll said to him. Molliton was too frightened to speak.

"I know you wonder how I am speaking and why I am a.....", Molliton grabbed him and hugged him tightly before he could finish his statement.

"This is all I have ever wished for", said Molliton as he hugged molly.

Some moments later, they decide to talk. "How are you alive?", Molliton asked molly.

"Let's just say your mother let me out of the bag", he said as he smiled with his stitch lip nature.

"How did she do that?", Molliton asked, waiting in anticipation for a response.

"You will find out along the way", molly said as he looked at Molliton's wrist, it was purple and looked irritated.

Molliton realized it and withdraw his wrist into his long sleeves. "He beats you doesn't he", molly said in a grim voice.

"Yh sometimes", Molliton said. Molly walked to Molliton's back as he raised his shirt up.

Scars upon scars were on his back.

"Do you want to play a game with me?", Molly asked as he smiled widely.

Molliton nodded happily. After a few hours, the doors were opened and Molliton came out.

"Father, I am ready to grow into a man", Molliton said to his dad as his dad bent down and hugged him.

His dad looked at the doll in his hand, he grabbed it and threw it inside the room. He locked it as they walked upstairs out.

Molliton was prepped up as he father planned to take him to a party.

They dressed exquisite as they walked in. "Listen boy, your mission is to impress those rich women and show them your drinking skill, they give alot of cash for young blood like you", his father said to him.

"But I am only thirteen father", his father bent down and held his shoulders tightly. "Do this or go back to the room", his father asked as Molliton bent his head.

Molliton and his dad walked towards the VIP section, they were welcomed in by the ladies.

His father talked with them, after some time they ordered for some champagne. "Drink boy, you look very fascinating", one of the women said to Molliton as he grabbed the glass and held it.

His father tensed up, Molliton looked at the glass as he slowly drank it. They laughed as they continued drinking and talking.

"I once heard you were married Hughes, is that so?" One of the women asked Molliton's father.

"Yes I was forced into the marriage, she was a desperate woman, she would come back home drunk, wreck the house and scream at me, but thank the heavens, she got run over by a wild herd", he said as the women looked at him impressed.

Molliton suddenly burst out in laughter. "He is just a child Hughes, stop drinking Hughes, help me, I hate what you did to us Hughes, do you remember those words father?", Molliton said in a gloomy voice.

The women looked at him in cringe and shock as Hughes grabbed Molliton and exited the place.

Hughes threw Molliton into a car as they went home. Hughes grabbed Molliton's shirt as he punched him with his mighty hands.

He brought a whip as he beat him up. A few moments later, Hughes grabbed Molliton's hair, with his bloody body and dragged him down, back to the gloomy basement.

As Hughes opened the door, he saw Molliton's rag doll sitted in front. He went forth and started stepping on it.

"Stop, stop hurting him", Molliton cried out. His father shouted as he grabbed Molliton by the neck.

As he was trying to strangle Molliton, in a flash, Hughes hands with Molliton fell to the floor. Hughes looked in shock as he started screaming while blood gushed out from his what used to be a complete hand.

In a flash, Hughes legs come off as he screamed louder. He suddenly is not able to speak as his lips have stitched close as it bleeds slowly.

He looks around as he sees Molly in front of him. "Hello Hug", Molly says as Hughes with tears in his eyes looks in shock.

"Your sweet darling, in a toy, it is nice, isn't it", molly said to him.

Molliton looked at his father as he smiled grimly. Hughes force his mouth to move about the loose stitch. "How are you alive?", he asks.

"It was planned from the start, before you caused my last breath, I said my last unheard word in my gasps, INCIDO", she said as she laughed loudly.

"Show me mercy, please ", Hughes said as he cried out, his face turning pale loosing blood

"I asked you to show me mercy, did you?", She asked him as he cried out. "Did you?", She shouted out loudly as he shouted "No", in tears.

Hughes looks as his vision starts to blur out.

He wakes up in a room, he looks around as he sees Ragdolls of all kinds sitted.

He looked at his hand and legs as they are stitched back and he is chained to an iron bed.

He sees Molly as she holds a knife smiling intensely. "What are you going to do?", He asks as molly gets closer.

He tries to break free of the chair. "Let me out of here, please ", he shouted repeatedly.

"Oh my God", a police man shouts as he pukes to the sight of the room.

Another police man looks in as he sees Hughes, his guts on emptied in a bucket, cottons put in him, his hands gone as it is black and empty and his body in stitches.

Part II

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I finally found a shed, I opened the door as I saw a bunch of dead bodies, but it was too late to turn back now. I joined in the heap of the dead bodies as I waited, I didn't want the killer to catch me.

Hours passed by, I was nineteen, it has been long since my torment ended, so why now, I asked myself.

I stayed among the bloody dead bodies as I waited for the killer. It was one in the morning, the sun hadn't come out yet. I thought maybe I was safe.

I heard creaks, I held my breath in fear that the killer might be there. I waited for hours as I heard a girl screaming.

I thought to myself, do I save her, but no I didn't, I live to fight another day, I told myself.

A few more hours passed, it was three in the morning, I felt safer, I planned to stand but next thing I heard were creaks. I hurried deeply inside body heap.

I was scared, do I get a weapon, I thought as I grabbed a scalpel near me. Suddenly the creak stopped.

I looked at the door intensely, it burst open as police men came in, I jumped up in fear.

They told me to drop my scalpel which I did as one of the came and cuffed me.

I then remembered,I have been running away from myself, I am the one that murdered all these people, I wonder why I did it but it happened so fast.

I was taken away as I smiled to myself and whispered "MOLLY".

That was so beautiful, that kid gots guts, well sorry it was nice killing them, I should go social- shadow.