
So I still have no idea why the hell I asked West to the Mall. I need the stationary urgently, yes but why ask West when I can easily take the bus? We're not even that close? We've spoken a coupla time but does that even classify as friends??!

As if late I find myself thinking of him at random times,then my stupid heart starts racing. Wierd much? Today for example, when West arrived,I had this desperate urge to run my fingers through his hair. I looked way too damn soft, I had to fold my arms to my chest.

"Are you mad at me, was I too late?" West asked, dragging me out of my thoughts. He looked so unsure..

"Nah, why would I be? You're actually doing me a favor. I glad you decided to come with me. Not glad in a wierd way ,just glad in a friends way..." I rambled pathetically.

" I get it", he smiled softly,"we're here." Oh my God, I'm so lame.*mental facepalm* We entered the Mall and I made a beeline for my fav place apart from the food court,that is.