The Secret Room

Tom got back to Canada. Immediately he landed, a Mercedes Benz SLS was waiting for him already. His bodyguard carried the bag containing Shirley. It was quite heavy. He wanted to ask Tom what the contents of the bag was, but then he remembered that no one dared question Tom's orders. Moreover, he wouldn't want to risk his job due to a silly and unnecessary question. He kept his question to himself and lifted the bag, matching along with Tom.

They got to the car and Tom's guard was about to open the trunk.

"The bag stays with me in the rear seat," Tom declared.

"Yes boss," his guard obeyed.

"Do I drive to the family estate or to your private mansion, boss?" The driver asked.

"Private mansion," Tom replied.

The car engine revved and the four wheels departed the airport, taking to highway.

A buzz in his pocket and Tom brought his phone out. His fiancee, Jennifer, was calling.

He breathed out. He knew the kind of fiery personality Jennifer had. She was definitely about to shout on him for travelling without her know.

Jennifer was the daughter of the chief army general, General Marcus. Tom was in a good relationship with her father, but in order to take the relationship even further, he decided to date Jennifer who happened to be interested in him. But few years into their relationship, Jennifer revealed her true nature. She was harsh, impatient and demanding. She had tried playing good girl for two years, following her father's command in order to win Tom over and enjoy the benefits of his wealth. Tom had thought he was the one playing the game, not knowing he was the one being played. When he realised what he had gotten himself into, he had no choice but to continue because he as well benefitted from the relationship with the army general. His cargos moved through the country borders without being searched. Some of his friends would even beg him to help them sneak in drugs through his cargos.

Tom's relationship with Jennifer went south. She never had time for him. He even had to beg for sex whenever he wanted to have sex with her. And each time she agreed, she'd prefer BDSM which Tom was not a fan of.

"Play a loud music," Tom ordered the driver. Immediately the driver did that, Tom picked Jennifer's call.

"Hey babe!" Tom spoke.

"Tom? Tom?" She called, she couldn't hear him clearly. "Your background is noisy, move away from there."

"I can't hear you!" Tom spoke. "I'll call you back!"

"Urrgh..." She ended the call abruptly. "He has gone partying again."

The car continued to Tom's mansion. The drove through the driveway and parked just before the entrance door.

Tom got down quickly and jacked the bag.

"Let me help, boss," his bodyguard offered.

"No, I'm fine," Tom declined.

His mansion was a two-storey with several rooms. There was a room for him and his fiancee, which was the biggest room in the mansion. But most nights, Tom ended up sleeping alone in that big spacious room because Jennifer wasn't always around. She was always on one business trip or the other.

Tom had a study room in his mansion were no one entered without his permission, including Jennifer. It was located at the top floor of the two-storey mansion. Still, inside the study room was another room – a hidden room. This hidden room was where Tom intended to keep Shirley. It had everything the other rooms had except a window. But there was a steady supply of light and enough ventilation from the air vents. No one knew about this room except Tom. Not even his fiancee or his best friend.

Tom asked his bodyguard to wait downstairs while he proceeded into the building. He looked into the retina scanner on the door and it swung open after confirming his identity.

Tom hurried in. He went into his study and locked it, then advanced to the secret room.

"I finally did it," Tom said as he unzipped the bag, revealing Shirley's face. To his surprise, Shirley's eyes were closed like she was sleeping. She looked so beautiful.

"You don't have to be stuck in a bag any longer, my sweet doll," Tom said.

He powered her on, and her eyes opened immediately.

"Welcome to your sex doll programme. How may I please you?" Shirley crooned.

"I don't want to be pleased yet," Tom sniffed. He was too excitedly. He continued, "I want to get you dressed up, so you look sexy and appealing to my eyes all the time."

He sat Shirley on the bed and went to his bedroom where he took some of his fiancée's clothes. He yanked off a black pair of bikini from a green hanger.

"I bought her these on valentine's day thinking we'd have sex, but she gave her stupid excuses and starved me on valentine's day!" Tom cursed, "these will have some usage now."

He took a short pink gown and a blue ripped jean skirt from her collection of clothes and headed back to his secret room.

"That will do for now," Tom said.

Immediately he got to the room, he took Shirley to the bathroom and sat her in the jacuzzi.

"You really look sexy," Tom said to the sex doll which watched him idly.

He gently washed her body with the lathered soap.

"You see, Shirley," Tom began, "as long as I keep getting the best sex from you, I'll make sure you lack nothing. I'm sure you won't disappoint. My whole life I've only met ladies who pretend to be receiving sexual pleasure, but I'm one to know. Your presence today, marks a new era of my life. I'm so happy that I bought you."

After washing her, he dressed her up with the clothes he had taken from Jennifer's wardrobe.

"I'll go shopping tomorrow for your own clothes. I have a meeting tonight with the Dons, after that, I'll have my first sex with you," Tom said to Shirley.

He kissed Shirley on the nipple and powered her off, leaving the room and heading downstairs. He needed to go to the family estate.

Immediately Tom reached the door and was about to open it, Jennifer stepped in.

"Holy moly! Jennifer how did you?!" Tom broke out.

"Holy moly, right? How could you travel without telling, Tom? Why would you do that?" She fired.

"I'm sorry, it was an urgent business trip and I even had to leave without Gaius," Tom said.

"I know you're lying, but I'll just act like I believe you," she said.

"I'm not lying babe," Tom said to her, placing his two arms on her shoulders.

"Get your hands off me," she shrug her shoulders, "you always do this. I'm losing trust in you."

Tom scratched his head, smiling nervously.

"How about I take you with me to the meeting of the Dons?" Tom offered, knowing it was something she'd eagerly say yes to. "We have a meeting this evening, you could come along with me."

"Really?! Tonight?!" She asked, eyes popping.

"Yes babe," Tom smiled.

"You could say you've gotten me now, but I'm still angry with you," she said, looking away from him.

"I wanted to go to the family estate, but now you're here, how about we stay and chill for some time?" Tom asked. "You're not going for any appointment, are you?"

"Nope," she answered, walking past him and removing the jacket she wore. "I've had a rough day, and I need some massage right now."

"Very well, your majesty," Tom said in a jest, "I'll come get thy bones dancing to the rhythm of my palms."