Uncuff me!

A slow rhythm jazz song started playing when Jennifer and Tom stepped into the room. She slowly walked to the music box and pressed the stop button, bringing the song to an abrupt stop.

She walked back to where Tom stood and helped him remove his jacket from behind. She took the jacket, walked up to the chair beside the bed, and hung it on the chair.

"Come," she said to him.

Left foot first, Tom walked up to her and she traced her fingers from his face down to his neck. She grabbed his tie and unknotted it with ease.

"Sit," she said to him.

"Hey babe," Tom tried to speak, but she pushed him lightly on the chest and his ass found its way to the chair.

"You preach that everyone should find pleasure, don't you?" She asked him.

"This is..." He tried to say something again, but she bit him off.

"You know this is how I like it," she said, leaning over him and stretching her hand to the leg of the chair to grab a chain that was hooked to it.