Finally, the day of Tom's birthday came. It was a Friday and the whole mansion was swarming with guests.
Prior to his birthday, Gaius and some other friends of Tom had booked a hotel where he'd stay while they began making arrangements for his birthday. Tom had already started feeling the birthday vibes before the D-day.
He invited Monica over to the hotel to stay with him till the next day, but she couldn't make it cause she had things she was preparing for his birthday just like the rest.
He was so horny that night, he needed a girl to screw. He called Monica again, trying to persuade her again, but it still didn't work.
"Babe, I seriously can't make it to that place tonight," she had told him.
Tom sighed disappointedly.
His phone vibrated suddenly and announced, "incoming call from Lydia (secretary)."
Tom found himself give off a devilish grin immediately. The thought of fucking his new secretary sat in his head. Lydia would definitely obey if he called her over.