Chapter Ten


My first thought when she kissed me was, what a crazy lady. Does she go around kissing strangers? But I needed that taste though, an escape from Halle, one of my crazy blind dates. She wasn’t the worst, though. There was a time I had a date with a doctor. She came with a questionnaire; wanted to be sure about our blood group or if was it a genotype, in case we had babies in the future.

Crazy right, how hard it can be to f that perfect person though like I said, I haven’t been looking for one because. I’m financially unstable, then Jay won’t stop setting me up on these dates. Just my hypothesis: he might work with one of these blind date companies. He gets a certain percentage and bonus for setting me up.

Wield ones, at that …

I think about the scene at the restaurant. The auburn-haired lady with a bottle of Delve 1620

which she gulped down like water.

“Cheers, everybody! My boyfriend has been called into the priesthood because I raised the marriage topic.”