
June sat in the front monitoring the surroundings and carefully watching the people who exited their cars. While June kept watch, she called Roxy to keep her company.

"Roxy!" June shouted in her head,

"I'm here," Roxy said as she popped up outside the van. June got out, making sure not to wake up Dream and Jace,

"Hey Roxy," June said as she knelt to pet Roxy,

"Hi, June," Roxy said as she wagged her tail. June and Roxy stood outside watching the cars pass by on the highway,

"So, what did you call me for?" Roxy asked,

"Well, I just wanted to talk to someone and ask you some questions," June replied as she looked up at the stars,

"What are your questions?" Roxy asked and looked at June;

"Well, first off why were Dream and Jace able to hear the Chimaera and the Minotaur? They weren't able to hear Tatsuran, and they can't hear you" June asked,