Alastor was pushing June back when Dream came rushing in to help.
“I’m here, June!” Dream shouted as she stepped in front of June as Alastor swung his sword down toward June as she stumbled.
“Thanks, Dream,” June replied. June caught her footing and wiped her sweat away, giving herself a few moments before backing Dream up with her powers. “I’ve got your back!”
Dream nodded and started pushing Alastor back.
“Damn it!” Alastor shouted. He was losing to kids. He was being pushed back by a girl with a sword and the creation of the Gods and Goddesses. Alastor wasn’t happy. If he couldn’t get rid of a simple girl, and if he couldn’t defeat the Gods and Goddesses' creation, how would he kill the Gods and Goddesses?
June used a gust of wind to knock Alastor toward the mountain's edge. “Give up?” June asked.
Alastor looked over the edge. He turned back to June and smiled. “I don’t give up.”