the cold winter

the rise of war

" Theodmer we need to get the knights and retire into the new castles into the family room, Mother and father wake up, Theodredis lying on them, " Ma pa could you please wake up? asked Sana andTheodmer In a way, "Why you summon us for son, asked. Theodas, "Pappy it's snowing outside should we get everyone inside of the castle? asked, Pearis, "war visit really, yawned and stretched Seldanna, so they walked out of the room and opened the doors and let them inside the castle, over in Gold-Mont wood, inside the castle, a cold drift enter the castle and woke up Theodluin and Sarya, " there is a draft in here, mother and father, called Theodluin, Artin is saying on them, " we need to get the knights and retire inside war feels like winter has come, Mam Pap! called Sarya, " why you igniting us for? said, Symina. " war our daughter relax for a change, said. Aeson, Sarya, and Theodluin look at each other, " there's a cold breeze pappy and Grammy, said. Respen, " will winter must be early grandson, let's get everyone inside the new castle, they walked out of the room and open the doors, and Gold Birdwood the ground is cover the ground it is getting colder Sorisana, Dassielle, and, Reiuverthel waked up. " winter came quickly, mother father we should let the knights and retire in right? asked, Sorisana, Nasir is laying to them, " Ma! Pa! Will you please wake up, in the name of war, cried? Dassielle, they wake up, " The love of war you three, why you up? asked. Delmeth, "What are you programming us for? asked, Dasyra. whenever in angry or stressed they called their parents Mam and Pap, or Ma and Pa they activating them to do something, " It's winter grammy and Pappy. said, Symania, they walked out of the room and open the door, and Gold- Plum Wood. Trees are falling in the woods that is getting heavy from the snow, Glorandal and Kaylin wake up. " war, it's getting bad out, Mother and Father. Called, Glorandal. Keya is laying on them. " momma Poppa!! Yelled, Kaylin, " War child what in war are you yelling for? Asked. Gerrik, " or arming us for? Asked. Amerca, "Take a look outside Grammy and Pappy. Nyana, they look out of the windows, and went to let the knights and people, all kingdoms is getting covered with snow. Meanwhile in Gold-Scotch once everyone is inside, the castle, Theods put up the gates all around the gold kingdom, and Seldanna slides into the ground the draw bridge, everyone went back to slumber this winter, and Gold- Montwood, after they let everyone in the castle, Symina closed and lock the doors, and Aeason cut the fire pits malts on and rise the draw bridge, everyone went back to slumber this winter to, and Gold-Plumwood, they let in everyone into the castle, Dasyra shut the door, and Delmuth turn on the pit of spikes that surround the castle, everyone went back to slumber this winter, and Gold-Birdwood they let everyone in the castle, Amerca closed the door, and Erik put up the spike bed pits and rise the drawled which surround the castle, everyone went back to slumber this winter, Gold kingwood. everyone is in the castle, Renna closed the doors, and Purtham cut the fire pits on and raises the draw bridge, everyone went back to slumber this winter, and Gold Dodge wood in the castle, everyone is in the castle, they closed the door behind them, and put up the spikes, everyone went back to slumber this winter, it finally stopped snowing outside, the ground is completely covered with snow, the day is done now it is night-time, all other kingdoms is awakened from their slumbers, and the others is in the bed, the supreme pieces of knowledge ison the Globe talking, "[ my war brothers and sisters about time you all moved to go,] said, Renna, "[here Theodas, Aeson, Delmuth, Dalyor, Aquilan, Zaos, Uneathen and Valindra Morthil, my brothers Peace, Love can't come here,] said. Purtham, "[ Renna and Purtham, that what we in Scotch wood hoping for war peace so are kings and queens can rally in peace, ] said, Seldanna, "[[ we can be in war peace away from peace, my love you had to befriend her?] said, Theodas, "[i feel war without that witch now, she came to you war my friend,] asked, Symina, " [ what did this peace witch want anyway,] said, Aeson. "[size from the point my husband, war to use and control me to do what she want, I am my own war queen I will do what I am created to do,] " She can have this war elf, my love heart, and soul in the name of war is connected to you, said. Theodas," [the witch can not travel here, sounds like she wants everyone's husband, is that right Delmuth,] asked. Dasyra, Delmuth, looked at her and crossed his arms, " I am a war king, not a peace king, and I also happily married to my chosen war queen, she needs to beg her to come back or find the peace king who is chosen for her, said. Delmuth, "[Delmuth's brother she is married to the one who seeds her child, so the coward Theodore is the chosen, said, Amerca, " [ can we get on the matter of the darkness, not the freak peace elf who almost killed us all, said. Gerrik, " [ what are they, i can only see the shadows,] said. Unearhen, "[ how many are they?] said, Zaos, "[ they are not *Dark knights or * Dark elves*,] said, Daylor, " [I don't think so my love, nevertheless they are in the darkness like the others, this one taken over where the horn of darkness left off, something tells me,] said. Aquilan, " [our children and great grand are not safe, these things feed off us, like the war creatures of these lands,] said. Morthil "[ war must defend our homes, retire, youth, grand youth, and great grand youth,] said, Valindra, '[ do we send them out or start doing war confidence with our children in-laws, and grandkids?] asked, Renna, "[do we all agree on aware confidence before a war rally?] the juried has it they all agree to war confidence, they went off the globes,