Sneaking out

Princess Isabelle got up out of bed with determination and stealth, trying to be as silent as possible in order to avoid alerting the butler. Her room was just how she liked it, Sapphire yellow wall papers that matched her golden eyes and added an extra glow to the room with the silver furniture to bring it off. She was preparing to take her Royal bath swaying her hips as she elegantly strolled to the bathroom, trying to convince herself that she was happy. She tried to ignore this longing in her heart, she wanted to feel the breeze in her icy white hair, run around the village, visit that little traditional bakery close to the village square and lay in the garden to get a good whiff of the different scents that the flowers had to offer. Ohhh she could almost taste those freshly baked pastries, not to mention the handpicked berries, she sighed deeply wondering when that would ever happen? freely at least. Princess Isabelle stood patiently trying to open the bathroom door with hopes of being silent, little beads of sweat formed on her forehead and she bit down on her bottom lip each time the door moved. Just when the space was big enough to fit her petite body through, a loud screech echoed through the room. "Wow! just wow" She thought, "Cinco, Cuatro, Tres, dos, uno and here we go" Princess Isabelle whispered to herself as Señor Kenny burst through the door. " Splendid morning Princess, my apologies for my tardiness" he said. Señor Kenny was a man of his age, but he showed no signs to prove this, he was fit, and his gray eyes showed youth but more dominantly, wisdom. "Don't be silly señor", Isabelle said as she entered the bathroom, "I will prepare my own bath this morning therefore I will be down for breakfast in due time", she finished from inside the bathroom. He couldn't argue as Isabelle normally allowed him to prepare her baths with the exception of her stubborn days where she went ahead to do so herself, today was one of those days. The butler simply nodded and exited the room but not with the same burst of energy with which he entered. As soon as she closed the door behind her, Princess Isabelle pinned up her hair and allowed the night gown to fall gracefully at her feet with her under garments following suit. She entered the bathtub relaxing a little bit more as the warm water caressed her already smooth skin, smiling subconsciously as she decided to stay in the bathtub for a little longer letting the water soak through her pores a bit more.

She was snapped out of relaxation mode as she remembered that she had an overwhelming number of royal duties to carry out. Her little time away from the Kingdom had meant relaxation but only for a little while as she knew her duties awaited her return; the thought came to mind forcing her to quickly exit the tub. She got out of the water effortlessly and wrapped the towel around her body. Princess Isabelle re-entered her room and made her way to the walking closet where her personal designer and advisor, Clara, had already chosen her breakfast attire. After getting ready and having a little chat with Clara, she gently placed her crown on her head and began to tackle the stairs flight by flight, walking more gracefully as she reached the last flight to enter the pastel-colored dining room. She met the butler once more and greeted her parents with a warm smile as her chair was pulled for her to sit. Princess Isabelle sat quietly having her breakfast, trying to avoid her father's knowing stare. Princess Isabelle knew this look too well; she received it every month on this exact day as today was the set date for visitation by Royalties from both the kingdom of Loudefe in France as well as their kingdom. Although she didn't mind the event, the duties were tiring even if she had the help of the grand council. "So, Princesa you know that you are required to visit the village today, your people look forward to seeing you", said King Rafael, curious to hear how she would reply. "papá, if you must antagonize me about it at this moment, I will see the people tomorrow, yes! I understand that today is the usual day of visitation but you are aware that our trip did not go as planned resulting in us overstaying and being drunk on exhaustion. In light of this I wish to reside in my room to rest and finish making preparations for tomorrow", answered Princess Isabelle in an annoyed tone. Her father was up for an argument and so was she but before it began Queen Melaine quickly intruded giving her husband a challenging smile. "Darling, give her a break, she's exhausted, just last night we returned from Egypt , she is still trying to get everything in order as our people will have many questions regarding her experiences from Egypt in addition to the quarries of our own kingdom, not to mention her usual royal duties. I'm sure she will be more than happy to see the people when she is fully rested and prepared, let's just enjoy our breakfast and the sweet sound of silence for now" stated Queen Melaine smiling at Princess Isabelle lovingly. King Rafael was still displeased but nodded in approval as he couldn't debate with the argument that Queen Melaine had presented. It was a really good reason for bending the rules. She was a beautiful woman and all her facial features had been recreated on Isabelle's face.

Princess Isabelle ate the last of her breakfast and excused herself making her way back upstairs with a smug smile. She closed her door and locked it with the key then began to change out of her royal attire, "finally some comfortable clothes for the risk I am more than willing to take" she thought. She changed in a white crop top and a pair of blue acid wash jeans along with her white converse. Princess Isabelle was really grateful to Clara as she was the one that arranged everything including purchasing the clothing items for her secret closet. In the royalty world, these clothes were prohibited but luckily for her, she was living on the edge of both worlds. Clara braided Princess Isabelle's hair and pinned it up, after which she placed a dark brown wig on her head, she adjusted the wig until it met her level of satisfaction then she winked at Princess Isabelle as a sign of approval. Princess Isabelle's look was the perfect balance between comfortable and chic with the jeans fitting in all the right places. She hugged Clara and grabbed her side bag before stepping out on the balcony and scouting for guards, when Princess Isabelle was sure she was not being watched she grabbed the rope that was put in place by Clara and started to climb down the balcony. Princess Isabelle knew this was risky, dangerous, crazy even but after weeks of planning and preparation, it was too late to tap out now. She was the one who came up with the idea and Clara was crazy enough to go along with it, one of the reasons why they bonded so easily, even though they were from two completely different worlds, they understood each other perfectly. Princess Isabelle couldn't help herself; she was miserable just being a boring princess, duties this, duties that. She landed safely and saluted Clara before sneaking through the palace gates starting off for the village, which was her favorite place to be. She knew that no one would bow down to her there, she didn't have any royal duties, she could finally just breathe, it was her only little get away from being a princess and she loved it. She came to an abrupt stop as she almost forgot two of the key elements to her disguise. Princess Isabelle added her fake freckles, looked in her little side bag for her jeans cap then placed it on her head before continuing on her journey. She hoped that she would be able to do this often without her parents suspecting anything because for her it was the ray of sunshine that would help to brighten the weeks to come. It was now her second day of sneaking out and she was lost in her thoughts, thinking about those pastries again. " I need to purchase that chocolate cupcake," she mumbled to herself, checking her bag to see if she had brought the extra cash. "Ahh, here it is...She was snapped out of that thought by someone bumping into her.