
Princess Isabelle was awoken by the ringing of her personal telephone, with the ringtone princesses don't cry which was contrasting considering how she fell asleep. She answered the phone realizing afterwards that she did not recognize the phone number. That was weird because only other Royals had access to her personal phone, and she had most of the phone numbers memorized. Confused she still answered politely, "Princesa Isabelle from the Kingdom of Roséno speaking", her words were followed by dead silence. After about a minute she heard a Raspy voice on the other end, "Well, Well Princesa, do you know just how valuable both of you are? mmh! don't sweat it, you'll get the drift in about a week" he said before laughing loudly. Princess Isabelle was oblivious to what this man was talking about. "Both? Valuable? who are you and what are you talking about?", she asked looking around her room to see if she was being watched. He completely disregarded her questions, "Oh and one last thing, could you mention the name Authur to the King" he said smugly before hanging up. By this time every inch of drowsiness had completely disappeared from Princess Isabelle's eyes, she was fully awake now with every single hair on her body standing at attention. She got up and sat in the bed appreciating the silence which gave her room to think. "Authur? This creep knew my father, what did he mean by both.... but what was more confusing, how on earth did he get my personal number?", she asked herself. Princess Isabelle was still spooked from the encounter but tried to push it to the back of her mind as she had a lot to do today. She got out of bed walking towards her night table, when her bedroom door was flung open, and señor Kenny came rushing in almost giving her a heart attack.

She was relieved that it was just him but annoyed at the fact that he almost stopped her heart." señor I would appreciate a less dramatic entrance in the mornings please, you startled me", she scolded. "My apologies your highness, it was never in my intention to scare you" he said genuinely sorry. "Well, it's nothing to worry too much about" said Princess Isabelle making her way to the bathroom to carry out the same boring routine. After señor Kenny had finished preparing Isabelle's bath, he went downstairs to help with the preparations for this morning's breakfast. Princess Isabelle slid right in still thinking about the mysterious guy on the phone. She heard her bedroom door open and knew that Clara had entered the dressing room to pick out her attire. She called Clara in the bathroom and explained everything that happened this morning; Clara didn't like it one bit. " Isa that guy sounds like a psycho! I suggest you tell the King and Queen immediately" she said in her strong Hispanic accent while helping Princess Isabelle out of the bathtub. "I'm going to tell them Clara, but they are going to increase security which means that it's going to be almost impossible for me to leave this place", Princess Isabelle said wrapping the towel around her body. "I understand Isa, but you need to be careful", replied Clara with obvious concern. " I will, now enough about me how's Katarina doing, I haven't seen her from the last time we went to visit", stated princess Isabelle as she exited the bathroom. "That was two months ago wasn't it, she's doing bien, she calls every now and then like a normal sister", stated Clara sarcastically. They both chuckled at the thought, it was after seeing the outfit that Clara picked out that princess Isabelle remembered that she was supposed to see the villagers today. "Well screw me over", she said sighing, "you forgot, didn't you?", asked Clara looking amused. Princess Isabelle looked at Clara and they both started laughing again.

After an hour of getting prepped and ready, Princess Isabelle was descending the stairs in a Sapphire blue dress that fitted her waist effortlessly before fanning out, diamond imprinted gloves, sapphire blue wedge heels and her silver fashion crown with blue diamonds at the center. Princess Isabelle's hair was swaying at her hips in an elegant throwback with a couple strands making a bow in the center. Everyone was seated at the dining table, all eyes on her as she greeted her parents and the waitresses. She took her seat along with a deep breath and looked over at her father, he immediately realized that something was bothering her. "What's wrong Isa?" he asked concerned, "papá, do you know an Authur?", she asked in a serious tone. "Well ofcourse Isa, there are a couple new ones in our village, I'll introduce you to them today, is that all that's bothering you?" he asked now smiling. "Papá, you don't understand, I got a phone call this morning from an Authur, listen to the recording, our phone calls are still recorded right?" princess Isabelle asked worryingly. "Yes dear, no need to get so worked up, señor Kenny can go and fetch the latest recording right now if it will make you feel better" he said still smiling. " Yes please", she replied uneasy.

The smile was wiped off King Rafael's face as his eyes began to fill with recognition and a slight presence of anger as he listened to the recording. He looked over at Queen Melaine and back at Isabelle. "Papá, could you explain to me what is going on? who is Authur? the only Authur I remember is my uncle!", said Princess Isabelle in one stressful breath. " Isabelle, listen to me, Authur is not your uncle, he was a family friend that's first, secondly, I need you to stay under heavy security. You will not be seeing the people today, they will receive an explanation but most importantly you will not be leaving our sight, that's final" he said sternly looking at Queen Melaine for approval. "Padre, I am still confused about the encounter with Authur but that can be dealt with later, I appreciate your concern, but I am future Queen. I promised the people that I would see them today because I didn't get to visit them yesterday and as Royalties, we always keep our promises", argued Princess Isabelle stubbornly. "Darling, you have a point, but you are unaware of what or more importantly who we are up against," said Queen Melaine. "Well mamá, enlighten me, but just know I could be up against the world, I don't care if we have to travel with three times the security and the grand council, I am seeing the people and I mean today" Isabelle argued stubbornly. "Isabelle listen, we have enemies and I mean dangerous enemies in high places that will use you to get to us. Authur turned against the Kingdoms because he wanted to take my position as king, you have to remain here where I can be assured of your safety" explained King Rafael in a softer tone. "I will be safe when I'm with you and for that very reason you will accompany me to the village after we are through with having breakfast" finished Princess Isabelle. King Rafael and Queen Melaine sighed in unison at their daughter's stubbornness, they really thought they had gotten through to her. "Vale Isa, we will accompany you, but after we return, the grand council will have to come up with a new strategy and layout of security for your safety and that's final," said King Rafael.

Even though Isabelle did not like the idea of having security follow her around, she would have to agree. "Papá, you forgot something, you said my safety when you should've said ours and we also need to warn the Salúve family, now that's final", said Isabelle feeling pleased with what she had accomplished. "Since we are on this topic, I found that the little girl, Cia, is not related to the fashion expert, Mrs. Bentley nor is she any of the persons that matched that name, which I think is suspicious since we should have known her relatives. What if she is a spy for Authur, we must proceed with caution" warned Queen Melaine with a frown played over her features. "Dear, that is suspicious, we would have to look into it a bit more, take it to the grand council or security team perhaps" replied King Rafael. Whether it was the name that was mentioned, the discovery sher mother just made or what she had just personally found out about Authur, princess Isabelle's color drained from her body. "Are you alright dear, you look as if you've seen a ghost" stated her mother in a worried tone. "I'm ok mother, it's just a lot to process" replied Isabelle, a good enough excuse and even though it wasn't entirely the truth, it wasn't a lie either.

After breakfast the Royalties were accompanied by fifty guards and the grand council. The Royal family, two guards along with the grand council entered one of the Rolls Royce while the remaining guards entered the other eight vehicles which were their form of chariots. They arrived in the central village about ten minutes later with the people gathering and applauding joyously. Princess Isabelle was the first royalty to exit the vehicle with guards surrounding her at every turn. Her diamonds looked more like projectors than reflectors showcasing the beauty of the sunlight's contact with the jewelry. Princess Isabelle started to greet the people and her eyes met a familiar green one causing a faint smile to play across her elegant face. The people started approaching her with different questions about her experiences in Egypt, quarries with the kingdom, the upcoming ball, all the major decisions that had to be made and she answered them with ease. She was caught off guard however by the question of her getting married. Princess Isabelle looked at her parents before giving a polite smile and answering the question. "Well, I have not started courting as yet but I will make it my priority to keep you all posted" she replied while still smiling. Brian never took his eyes off her, the weird thing was that he had this look in his eyes, like a predator studying its prey. In contrast, what caught Princess Isabelle's attention was this unknown guy not even sparing her a glance. She called him to asked him his name but to her surprise he just replied with "Luke" before walking off casually. King Rafael was ready to call him back, but princess Isabelle lifted her hand to stop him saying it was okay. This act made Isabelle very interested in him because he was the first person that didn't seem to care about her status. "It's my first time seeing him here, mmh I need to speak to him first thing tomorrow if I can even find him. I'm here worrying about finding him how am I even going to get out of the palace unseen", Princess Isabelle finished deep in thoughts. She was snapped out of her contemplation by another question, and then another, she spent the rest of the day carrying out her royal duties and talking to members of the council. It was an eventful day after all and now she had something exciting to look forward to tomorrow.