Confusion never Ends

Princess Isabelle woke up with a throbbing headache, she blinked slowly as her blurred vision started to become clearer. She got up and sat in the bed, yawning, waiting for the butler to come bursting through the door like he always did. But to her surprise, he was nowhere to be found, neither was her designer, Clara. "Where is everyone?" she asked herself while massaging what seems to be the source of the pain, trying to remember why her room felt so different, so spacious. Then the reality slowly started to sink in, the unavoidable truth hit her like a bullet to the chest coming back in flashes. Lenora and Jumanné were staying with her, yes, it was the night of the annual Masquerade ball, they all got dressed and attended the ball. Princess Jumanné followed her to the fitting room then, she did a sharp intake of breath as the last flash of memory settled in her thoughts. "Authur!", she concluded, Princess Isabelle looked around the room realizing now that it wasn't hers. The wallpapers were old and torn, the bed sheets were supposed to be white, and the overall room was filthy. "This had to be a dream, it just had to" she said, with tears of realization welling up in her eyes. She got up still trying to wake herself up from this nightmare, only to sink deeper in it when her eyes after roaming the small room landed on bars. "Actual bars!", the thought of being caged like a wild animal sent shivers down her spine. Princess Isabelle ran to the bars without thinking and it was then she realized that she was not in the outfit that she was wearing last night. Instead, she was in a pink silk night gown, she looked down on her feet to find them bare.

Princess Isabelle stood behind the bars inspecting her attire, "he removed my clothing", she thought to herself in disgust. she then heard a sharp intake of breath coming from directly in front of her, Princess Isabelle didn't want to look, her heart rate sped up and she swallowed hard. She slowly began to raise her head to where the sound came from. Princess Isabelle's stare after climbing up some one in a black night gown landed on the face of a terrified looking Jumanné. From the looks of it she too just woke up to this nightmare. Princess Isabelle stood there numbly staring into Princess Jumanné's black contacts seeing the tears flowing freely down her cheeks, she said nothing. What could she have said to make the situation better. Princess Jumanné moved closer to the bars, her feet were also bare, and her hair was down. She made direct eye contact looking into Princess Isabelle's white contacts before pulling her in for a protective hug. The walls of bravery that princess Isabelle was trying to build up broke down completely and she began to weep. The thought of not being able to see her family again slowly sunk into her mind until it took over and erased the strength from her knees. Just last night she was complaining about being in the same room as princes Mason and Maverick but right now she would choose that option over this in a heartbeat.

"We didn't even get to see Luke and Alejandro" said Princess Jumanné wiping the tears from her eyes. "I'll leave it to you to be a hopeless romantic Jum, we were rendered unconscious, kidnapped by Authur, brought to this filthy place, Only God knows where we are, and the first persons you mention are our crushes" said princess Isabelle wiping the tears from her eyes. They both laughed at the situation, " but they have no idea that we have been kidnapped" said Princess Jumanné defending her point." Actually, I beg to differ, knowing our parents within the first five minutes of not seeing us, the whole kingdom would be alerted" said Princess Isabelle laughing sadly. They looked at each other smiling before a though came to them in unison. "Clara and Lenora", "they must worried sick, I just want to let them know that we are okay" stated princess Jumanné looking around to see if she could find anything. Her eyes after roaming the room landed on her own hands, she was wearing her bracelet, but princess Isabelle was not wearing hers. "They must have taken it", she thought, "But how could they have forgotten to take mine" she whispered to Princess Isabelle shocked. " That's not important, at least we have a means of communication, now let's use it before it's taken from us", said Princess Isabelle now hopeful. Princess Jumanné quickly powered on the bracelet wondering why it was off in the first place, after a few minutes of trying to figure out how the gadget worked she finally understood.

A hologram signal appeared giving her the heads up to speak, " Mother, Father, Grand council, you need not to worry too much and that's an order, we are alive, and we will be okay, we know you will stop at nothing until you have located us, and we love you", stated Princess Jumanné. "That's right! we love you, ps. Clara and Lenura , we want killer rescue attires", finished Princess Isabelle with a sad smile. Princess Jumanné sent the hologram and they waited eagerly for a reply. " Isa, Leo was the one that gave us the letter" said princess Jumanné with a curious expression. "Yeah, he was also the one that delivered the bracelets, what's up" answered Princess Isabelle. " I was just curious as to why our bracelets were off? and why did he volunteer to inform our parents of our where abouts? Think about it, he didn't read the letter so how would he have known where we were going?" asked Princess Jumanné. Princess Isabelle's expression changed instantly, she didn't like the realization, " you have a point, one I wished wasn't so logical but would Leo really - their thoughts were interrupted by some bolts, somewhere being unlocked. "Sshhhhhhhhh, listen" whispered Princess Isabelle, they took a deep breath and listened to hear a door creak followed by footsteps walking to their direction. They looked to their right to see a tall guy all dressed in black with his face fully covered using a black mask approaching.

He looked as if he had spent his entire life in the military, glancing at the princesses in disgust, "Would you look at that, sleeping beauty and Snow White are finally awake" he said with a strong Irish accent. "More like Moana and the Tangled Rapunzel if you asked me" replied Princess Isabelle. "Well, no one asked yah" the guard replied rudely. "You're correct, you didn't ask, you implied that we were princesses who needed saving, so accept the correction" answered Princess Jumanné with just as much sass. "Well technically you do need saving don't you" he replied giving an arrogant smirk, "All we need, is to know where we are" replied Princess Isabelle now annoyed with this guard. He laughed, "Look at you demanding answers, my apologies for calling you snow white, you're more like the seven dwarves, ha! couldn't throw a punch to save your life" he said before turning to leave amused. The Princesses ignored his remarks waiting anxiously for his departure. Just when he was about to disappear from sight, in that beautiful moment, princess Jumanné's bracelet lit up "Princess Jumanné, Wiki at your service! Do you want to receive or decline the incoming hologram.

"Hey, give me that" he shouted as he ran back to her cell taking the chain of keys out of his pocket to unlock it. "Accept "she said quickly backing away from the cell, He entered and grabbed her by the arm taking of the bracelet. "We love you more, just stay strong we will find you" stated Queen Melaine's hologram before the guard powered it off erasing the rest of the message. " Get your hands of her you prick" shouted Princess Isabelle from the other cell. The guard dragged princess Jumanné out of her cell then locked it, he walked over to princess Isabelle's cell and opened it. He threw Princess Jumanné on the floor and laugh at how easily she fell. "Like I said little dwarves, you're weak and need saving" he said while smiling. That was the last straw for Princess Isabelle, she looked over at her sister on the floor and her expression turned cold. Princess Jumanné was just getting up when Princess Isabelle hinted "Jum, do I love China", "China?" asked the guard now confused. "Oh yes China', finished Princess Jumanné receiving the hint. Princess Isabelle gave princess Jumanné a wink and shouted " Juntos ahora", before doing a quick spin and landing a successful blow to the guard's face with her bare feet. "Son of a- " his cursing was interrupted by a second blow to the stomach from Princess Jumanné, in one breath he received a punch in the throat from Princess Isabelle and finally a powerful kick from Princess Jumanné sending him crashing in the bars. Princess Isabelle was careful enough to not kill him with that technique, she punched him hard enough to get him unconscious buying them some time. He fell to the floor and seemed lifeless with only his breathing being a sign of life. "Well two months in China can teach you a lot" stated Princess Isabelle as she hugged Princess "Jumanné without the interruption of bars for the first time. "It sure can" replied Princess Jumanné, as she retrieved the keys from the guard as well as the bracelet.

"Still think we need saving?" asked princess Jumanné, while Princess Isabelle gave the guard one last kick," Bet you'll think twice before you hit a woman now" she said looking down at him. "Now what?" asked Princess Jumanné. " He isn't going to get up for the next fifteen minutes, we are breaking out of here" replied Princess Isabelle with a devilish grin. There moment of triumph went as quickly as it came, as they heard footsteps walking towards them once again. Princess Isabelle signaled to Princess Jumanné and both of them dragged the guard to a corner where he could not be seen. They then hid in another corner closer to the entrance of the cell. As the first person approached, both princesses jumped out catching two men off guard, they were both wearing masks like the first guard. Princess Isabelle punched one of the guards in the nose while Princess Jumanné kicked the other in the face. "Shit" exclaimed both of them, as they went down, and the Princesses ran toward the direction that the guards had just come from hoping to find an exit. They passed six additional cells with the two guards chasing after them, "Stop" one of the guards shouted. Princess Jumanné came to an abrupt stop right at the door, the gateway to their freedom. "We need to move now!" shouted Princess Isabelle in panic but it was pointless because Princess Jumanné wasn't responding, and Princess Isabelle wouldn't leave without her.

The two guards were coming closer and closer to them with each passing second, "What's wrong Jum, we have to leave now!" screamed princess Isabelle. Princess Jumanné still wouldn't budge, her eyes held a sense of recognition, "Isa, I know that voice" she said without turning around. Princess Isabelle attempted to open the door, but it was locked, she remembered instantly that she had the chain of keys. "Jum, we have no time to play Marco, Polo, these guys are dangerous, and we can't take them all by ourselves", said Princess Isabelle out of breath. She tried the first key, "crap! that's not it" she shouted, she tried yet another key. "Jum, I need you; I need some time to find the key" she said with the guards only a few centimeters away. Princess Jumanné snapped out of her thoughts and grabbed a short pole nearby. " Okay, I got you", she replied pushing everything to the back of her mind, now focusing on the main goal which was to keep these men at bay until Isabelle finds the key. The guys were now in front of her as she flipped the pole with experience warning them to not come an inch closer. They ignored the warning and attacked, throwing punches at Princess Jumanné with direct precision as she used the pole as a defense mechanism blocking the attacks as well as injuring the attackers. She backed away from her attackers for a quick recovery before running to them at full speed with the pole vertical before sliding on her knees in between them and flipping it horizontal knocking both guards off their feet.

She got back up and ran to where Princess Isabelle was, "Haven't you found it yet?" she asked, "I'm working on it, these are the last five keys" she said trying the first out of the five. Princess Jumanné then took her position once again in front of the entrance, the two guards recovered and walked towards her slowly, one of them grabbed her arm successfully but she used her free arm to grab his arm and flipped him on the floor, remembering her tactic of self-defense. She then stepped on his shoulder using him to propel her to the other guard, she was in the air for a split second before landing on the other guard with her feet around his neck, she did a backflip bringing the guard down and landing on her feet. "Got it! Shouted Princess Isabelle opening the door, she saw another room with cells and a big door at the end of it. They ran through the door to enter the new room seeing four additional guards running towards them with the other two that they left behind. "This ends now" stated a Raspy voice from hidden speakers, "If I leave this office, none of you will like it, including My sons " he finished. The princesses were startled by the sudden voice that echoed through the room and stopped to figure out where it was coming from but only to be completely surrounded by the six guards.

They looked at each other and nodded before kneeing the two closest guards in their crotch sending them down, they then punched a guard on their opposite side hearing the mandible crack before seeing them go down, they turned in sync to the two remaining guards from before. "I thought you said they were princesses' boss" groaned one of them on the floor, "these women are trained assassins" finished the other. Both remaining guards pretend to launch at princess Isabelle but only one of them did, the other grabbed princess Jumanné and held a knife to her throat. "Enough", the familiar voice said putting the knife closer to Princess Jumanné's neck as a hint to Princess Isabelle. "Keys and the bracelet or her life, you choose" said the other. Princess Isabelle handed them over almost immediately but not before powering on the bracelet. Another guard entered the room" Woah, what happened here?" another familiar voice asked. "Brian the handcuffs" demanded one of the guards. Princess Isabelle stood still, "Brian?" she asked confused, the guard took off his mask to reveal familiar green eyes, "You know my name" he said confused. Princess Isabelle's heart broke a little as she stared into the familiar green eyes, she didn't reply remembering that he knew her as Cia but not Princess Isabelle. What he didn't realize was in betraying one he had betrayed them both. The Two guards that were there before seemed to be at a higher rank than the remaining five as they were the ones who placed the handcuffs on the Princesses hands. The bracelet lit up, "Princess Jumanné, Wiki at your service, would you like to accept or decline the incoming call". Princess Jumanné was about to decline when the Raspy voice from before ringed through the hidden speakers. "Accept it" he commanded, the guard with the bracelet put it closer to princess Jumanné's lips hinting for her to do as she was told. After swallowing hard, she said "Accept Wiki" barely audible. The call revealed the Salúve and D'avilla family all watching as well as the tech guy, Mark, the grand council, the general commander which was the head of the search mission and a face that the Princesses didn't recognize; it was a teenage girl. The guard with the bracelet showed the princesses in handcuffs being thrown in a cell, "You see that" he said before laughing evilly. "Listen to me you sick twerp, we will find you, we know Leo had a hand in this psychotic game you're playing, so you better pray- " The boss doesn't like your tone, remember we have your two most valued possessions, I would watch my mouth if I were you " he finished before ending the call.

After the room was settled, the two guards who had been punched were the first to exit then the remaining three including Brian. Only two guard remained, and they walked over to where princesses Jumanné and Isabelle were standing behind bars. "You heard our father; you won't get away with this" said princess Jumanné. "Oh, but we will, our plan makes it almost impossible to fail, Princesses Isabelle and Jumanné or should I say Cia and Julia" answered one of the guards as both of them removed their mask. The mask revealed Luke with a bloody nose and Alejandro with a blackened eye. Both princesses gasped in disbelief then betrayal, "Luke? Alejandro? I don't understand " stated Princess Jumanné. " In time you will darling, but where did you learn to fight like that" asked Luke touching his nose. "Brother, leave the chit chat for later, the Princesses seem lost let's enlighten them, shall we?" asked Alejandro with a cunning smile. "Brother?" asked Princess Isabelle looking at Jumanné, who was equally as dumfounded, it was too much for the Princesses to process. " I guess it's story time, Let's start from the beginning" said Luke smiling widely.