"It's kinda late," Jensen replied. "Just after twelve"

"Oh, God," she said. She picked up the telephone off the floor and put it back on the desk. Then she searched her bag and withdrew her phone. While she called her mom to apologize for not coming back and checking on Tim, Jensen stood at the edge of her desk, glaring at her.

"I'm glad you arrived when you did. I wasn't planning on staying here for so long" she said after the ended the call and put the phone on the desk. "I was working... Was planning on delivering some cupcakes to a customer very early tomorrow morning... Or should I say this morning then.... I must have slept off when I decided to look at some paperwork"

"What the hell were you thinking of to stay out here by yourself in the dark?" he asked angrily. "You are lucky it was me who came through that door"

"The door was locked, Jensen," Katherine said.

"As though that would stop anybody who wanted in badly enough" he said.