It has been three days, and neither aunt J nor I have seen or heard from Bella, it's unsettling but I couldn't put much thought into it, she should be fine, but to make sure, I sent Ralph, the bigger one of the three lycans that came with me.

Lycans overall are better than the wolves now because the moon goddess reduced our tremendous strength over the past millennium and only left those that became immortal with just a speck of the original seven nameless powers.

I sigh, he will find her.

I look at the time and see its 1:30 pm, when its 2:00 pm ill have to leave the school and start my search for them again; albeit slow, for the past few days, my lifestyle has been to wake up, workout, train, shower, come to the school as principal and then look for clues that would lead to my parent's death.

My phone buzzes, and I pick it up and answer the call, it was an unknown id but I could pretty much guess who this was.


"Yes, master Damien." He says, he may be calling me master now, but he's not a Lycan, nor a wolf, but a vampire or more specifically, a vampire merchant, which in today's world would be a businessman.

"Have you found any information?" I get straight to the point.

"As it is sire, I only know about an underground tournament that will be hosted illegally but most of the upper echelons of the packs will be there to watch the fights, those that fight are looking for glory or fame to be recognised. So those upper echelons, take the top ten of the fighters into their pack as their members but as we both know, strength matters most." He says to me, and I contemplate, if that kind of people will be there, then, it seems I have to find a way to get in.

"Ah, and sire, I will be sending a ticket for the underground, knowing that you would be interested, why would I call without having it with me...I want to be useful, as you've clearly instructed." He finished off, making me remember the day I found out I was cursed.

"Okay, Good work Kane," I say and end the call.

I look down at my hands, how many had I killed? How many had I slaughtered and ripped apart when blinded by rage? The memories from those days had become anew in my mind.

I was on my way to find more lycans when I suddenly felt myself becoming angrier and angrier, it was anger, rage, bloodlust, I wanted to make everyone feel what I felt, unbridled anger and despair.

I didn't know why I felt like that, but it all made sense when I looked above, the moon was red, no, it felt as though the moon was bathed in blood, as I lost my will to control my emotions, a voice only I could hear whispered to me,

'My dear, a gift is given and cannot be taken away but as all things should be balanced, a curse is given. Rise and be guided by the blood moon.'

I was enveloped in those emotions of anger and rage which seemed endless as my body remained not my own, I witnessed everything that I did.

This happened for a whole month, I was unable to change back to human form throughout that month, I slept angrily, ate angrily, and even the Lycans, the most ruthless variants of wolves, feared me.

Looking back now, Kane was lucky to survive as the last night of the month, the blood moon had come and I massacred everyone, and it remained 10 more, walking towards them, I who was stuck in that endless cycle of murder, anger, rage, madness, was still trying not to tip over to insanity. I had them all in one place as I ripped apart three of them in an instant, and from Kane's perspective, I looked like a demon hound, spikes protruding off my body but those were spears and metal sticks that were stabbed into me, I felt the pain too regardless of whether I was immortal. My innate abilities tailored to my specie were the use of darkness like no other, weaving around soundless, breathless, weightless in the dark and the ability to inflict fear and anxiety on whoever I target.

And as I was about to kill the remaining seven, the sun had come up, and the month of the blood moon had ended, because my control over my body had returned, and I ran away from the scene, Kane had followed me just in case I had died so that he could sell my parts and things that could be found interesting but when I had turned human and the spears in me were restricting my bones from shifting in place, I had caught him and snapped his neck, calling some lycans to bring him back to the cave I slept in with them.

I sigh, at this point now, I cannot get angry for any little or major reason, and I'm only focused on my parent's killers and after that, preparing for the war that would come.

I look up at the clock to see it had passed 2:00 pm and now 2:12 pm, I pack up my things and set aside the table and stand to leave when I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

I turned to it, one more thing before I go shouldn't mind, I'm still new here.

"Yes, come in," I say as I take a seat again, but oh well, I would never believe what walked into my office today.

'White hair'.

I smile, so this is who you are.

"Ah, Good afternoon, Mister?" She asks

"Damien, and you?" I ask, honestly intrigued by how my meal just walked into my office.

"she's Mabel and I'm Lenora, her mother," she says as she shows me her daughter.

"I see" I sit back, I was angry, very angry, but I've been through a lot more anger, so now I shouldn't be too impulsive, but just can't take back what she said then.

Her scent is the same and her white hair is not easily replaceable.

'Ralph, Yoda, check if there are any suspicious-looking cars outside, if there are, kill them." I sent an order to the two.

"Now, why are you here?" I ask her,

"Well you see, I want to enrol her into this school so I've come to meet you."

"let me ask you something, Lenora," I say before continuing,

"Do you remember an incident 6 years ago, where you killed a human man and his wife with a 14-year-old?"

she looked shocked and looked at her daughter, I stand from the chair and go to close the door and she reacted just as fast with a knife to my throat.

"SIT," She says.

I lift my hand to the knife and help her slit my throat, just as the flesh was cut, it healed just as fast.



who is this guy? and how did he know about that mission six years ago.

I saw him lift his hand and maybe it was to remove my hand but I've met and toughed it out with stronger men, there's no way-

He slit his throat.

Now it's healed...

His eyes turned red and I could feel the killing intent coming from him, ive killed so many people, yet my killing intent isn't as dense as this, just how many people do you have to kill to be like this.

"SIT AND BE QUIET," he says with his eyes looking down at me, this pressure was unbearable, I turned to go back and my daughter had already passed out, I rushed to her side immediately, but she didn't seem to be hurt.

he closed the door and came back to his seat, all the while his eyes bloodshot and his aura, deadly.

Then someone knocked and walked in, it was two men, no wolves, but they felt different, strong but savage.

"Follow me," he says and stands up.

"where are you t-"

"FOLLOW. ME." He says without looking back at me, there was this aura on him, just what type of enemy did I make, no my guards should be outside, I'll deal with him then.

We had reached outside and the car I came with was there, but the two guards I brought weren't, where were they?

He stops and walked towards me, he stopped in front and looked down at Mabel,

"Where you're going, doesn't need her," he says and tried to reach out to her.

I dodge his hand but it failed, he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him, now with his face right in front of me,

"I am back like I said I would," he says, and I blackout, no it's not possible, I stabbed him in the heart.