If you take a deeper look inside of you what would you see? I guess you’d see yourself! Right? I don’t think so. I think you’d just see the sequence of events that forms the serial of your connected life. Events seem to be connected and your life looks solid. But trust me. You are mistaken. Humans think that they are forced to their life and their lives are connected. I’ll be honest with you. I’ve never understood why do we need each other. Why do people ever need to make relations? That’s a question I may not ever figure out the answer of. But it just happens and we feel like we need someone to be near us. But have you ever understood what feeling is? In my point of view, feelings are just sequences of energy whose effect is determined by the outside realtime factors that you are affected by at that point of time. And we by mistake store all of that energy inside of us. We are not batteries that can hold energy forever. Whether it is bad feelings or happy fellings, in a certain point of time we will need to get it out to continue felling things. Bad feelings come in the form of angry with some people, crying and tears with others. On the other hand happy feelings come in the form of a smile, they may also break their way through someone else’s heart and recharge him when they are said in the secret soul of the 8 letters “I Love You”. This if you don’t know has the power to transfer all of your energy “feelings” to someone else. That’s why we we like to save memories in a form of a picture or a video or even a voice record. Because we can’t hold them inside forever and we have to keep felling to keep living. I guess that is why we need company in our lives. To increase the storage space of our feeling store. And we feel sad and broken if the person we did depend on tried to use that space for his own memories and we call him “doesn’t care for me”. Back to our life thing. Our life seems like they are filled and we can’t hold on any longer when we don’t get those feelings out and when we keep the energy inside of us thinking that that would be safe for them but we end up getting depressed or felling alone. We just need to get that energy out. That energy will hurt us it will form the rest of our empty life. I hear a person saying that he doesn’t have free time to take care of his social relationships and end up getting depressed. He is mistaken. I think of our life as a life of dough, transformable and can be reshaped, reformed and even recreated! That happened to me. Yes my life was taken from me. That made me believe that our life serial of events is not connected by it self. We connect it or separate it. I can hear somebody saying that he had a tough period in his life, at the same time he had a happy time before the tough one! See! He just separated them! Our life is not connected. Our life can be restarted. If something is forcing you to a certain serial of events in your life, just get rid of it. This is your dough. You are responsible of reshaping it. And remember to get the energy out of you, get feelings out of you, talk to someone you trust and love even if he “doesn’t love you the same way you love him”. If you don’t get rid of the energy you will not be able to live properly. In the following chapters you will find out what I mean by “our life is transformable”. This mat be the shortest chapter in my life story but I had to get those feelings out of me.
Arther T. Migladon