Seeing that scar on his face I was so terrified of what had happened to him.
If you would like to imagine with me, it was a scar across his left eyebrow down across his left eye. It was not shallow though. It was a violent one.
“you seem to be interested in my scar, huh!” said him.
“not at all actually, actually I would not rather meet your friend (talking about the bear)” said I.
“My friend!, that big brown bastard was no friend of mine” said him.
“you know how to make yourself a bed or could you use a hand?” said him.
“I would gladly use a hand, show me how to do it” I said ti him.
What? Did you expect me to know how to make a bed in the wild? I don’t think so.
The only time I went in the wild was waaaaaaay back in time with my father when we went berry collecting. But that is a story for a different time.
“okay, first of all you need leaves. Let’s go collect some” said him.
While we were having our little chat, other soldiers had already made their beds. And got comfy in them.
They were like in a row, beds in a row, to make a path for anyone that wants to get through.
We were smart though. We crossed over them, as if we were deliberately starting trouble.
“are you blind! Get off me!”
“It’s so dark in here I’m sorry” said I.
“go get yourself in your bed you fool!”
“you know what, no, go across these trees and if you see a bear just shout like an idiot. This place is no home for fools like you”
“I said I’m sorry, go back to sleep” said I.
Smith was a fit guy, he jumped over them making nearly no noise at all. Not like me though.
We crossed that row of sleepy heads, I leaned on a tree as there was some mud under my feet.
“Eww..” said I.
“Eww my ass, if you are planning to make it in here my friend you better get used to mud and stink in here, dead animal corps can also do.” said Smith.
“Man that’s so disgusting, it has worms in it” said I as I stepped over the mud into some dry leaves.
“look, some short trees over there. Let’s go.” said Smith.
We kept on going through the mud and leaves, it was so disgusting. I’m a man of luxury life.
“move, Trevor, you will get used to this life I’m sure” said Smith.
“well I hope not” I replied.
“okay, just about there, you afraid of water?” said smith in a silly sarcastic voice.
“as if I’m a little kitten? Oh yeah I’m afraid, thanks for asking, just get moving please, we can keep the chat for later, let’s just get this over with, collect these leaves and head right back, I’m getting a little bit nervous” said I.
“nervous you said?,I’m sure you will not be so happy when you see this, approach” said him.
I slowly approached him with a worried face, when I came closer I could see little berries mixed with small fiber balls.
“oh little marbles, good.
What’s there to worry about?” said I.
“oh nothing, it’s just these marbles were left here by my scar making friend babies. Nothing to worry about” said him.
“oh yeah for a momen……. what did you say?!!!!!” I screamed in a terrified face.
“yea these are bear feces, and they are still wet, so”
“Soooooo??!” I said.
“So we better get these leaves and head back before my friend comes to say hi”
“now it’s you who wants to hurry, very well, let’s get it done please” I replied.
“watch your steps, these rocks are a bit slippery,
Follow my steps” he said.
“I’m right behind you, buddy” I replied.
We got down in the river, there were rocks, small and big, also, salmons swimming everywhere. Good thing for us the waterfall isn’t so near, so it’s not where bears come get lunch.
“Ouch, ggrrww” I said as I slipped in the water having my mouth filled with water.
“oh, poor guy will not survive for a bit in this wildness.” said him.
“come on, let me help” said him while helping me get back up on my feet.
I leaned on him while crossing the river.
We finally crossed the running stream of water, it was a small river, not very deep, just about wetting my knees.
We sat on top of a big gray rock, just resting for a minute.
“Let me tell you something friend, you should get your back yourself, no one in this army is going to have you covered if you fall down, these bastards will just step over you”. he said.
“did they step over you when you fell down?” I asked.
“do you really want to know about this scar?” he said.
“you can tell me when we get back to camp. I’m sure ill get myself one if we stay here long enough” I said in a sarcastic voice.
“yeah you are about right. Let’s go” he replied.
Just right next to the rock there were some trees, they were perfect for the leaves.
It was an apple tree, I felt bad for the poor tree, but we had to collect leaves.
He held the branches from the start and crushed them gently down so they came off nice and clean, minimum noise made.
That’s good because we didn’t want to make a big noise at night in such forest.
“why do we have to cut poor trees, can’t we just use these leaves on the ground?” I asked.
“okay, I’ll gather myself some fresh leaves and you use leaves on the ground, but just remember that I told you to use fresh ones, because you will get up in the morning with an etchy back with worms and insects on your hands and all over your body” he replied.