In A Week

CH 7: In A Week

Adina's POV

After packing our bags which were only 2 handbags that my triplet took, we started going downstairs toward Alexander and Antonio. I know why he wants us more like me back because of the marriage contract. If there would be no contract, they wouldn't even come here to take us or they might come but just to take my triplet not me because to them I'm weak, like fucking hell dude, I could take both of them, but I won't let them know that yet because patience is a virtue and if they anger me, well future knows what will happen.

They are fucking hypocritical, sexist, homophobic bastards and I hate that about them, well not only me, everyone that knows that side of them but doesn't say anything in fear of being killed. Like come on dude it's 2021, not the 1700-18 00 century. I think they live under the rocks with other sexist mafia men because of their thinking. like women are running the world nowadays, go mature up man, equality is famous nowadays, go educate. they don't understand that the woman they are taking their home thinking as a business asset is a fucking nuclear bomb that will take their whole family down without getting harmed in the crossfire too, and I won't let them do anything to Alessio and Amir because once they touch them even the slightest, they are dead. revenge can go fuck itself, I'll burn their bodies alive if they think they can get away after hurting my brothers.

After reaching downstairs my heel's sound made them turn to us so they said, "let's go we have a plane to catch" Alexander said. And me being me said, "we are not going with you".

Which made everyone turn to me except my triplets because they knew that. Alexander decided and thought that he has a right to order us and said " you are going with me and that's final" I just nodded at Alessio.

He got the message and said to Alexander " listen here you, sperm donor you just came into our lives less than 2 hours ago so know your limits" a cold tone made him angrier because he was turning red. I guess Antonio saw that and said to us " if you're not coming with us then where are you going and how are you going to come to our house" Alessio again replied " that's our business and how we come Is none of your business" Amir snickers after hearing that.

Our father dearest said " you are coming with us" I think this conversation would not take me anywhere because my triplet and biological are on this topic for about 20 minutes now and I am getting irritated.

Let me tell you a secret of ours, I and my triplet can mind linking each other. One thing that came well out of David's torture. He saw that we don't feel physical pain anymore so he made many chemical combinations and injected us well mostly me according to him when I was hurt my triplet feel much worse which is true because we can't see each other hurt.

So, it accidentally gave us the power of the mind to link with each other but people other than us don't know that we didn't even tell David about it so that he won't be able to sell those portions in the black market and make money, we couldn't let that happen. Anyways after having enough of the argument, I said to my triplet's mind link enough. They both became silent I think biological are confused about why they are silent so I turn to them and said "we are not going with you, we will go from the normal plane, and I have already bought the tickets" I said that in a voice which said final decision and in a cold icy tone.

My and the twins left them there in our car and went to the airport. After driving to the airport, I said " they almost ate my brain, and it hasn't even been 3 hours and I wanted to kill them just by being in the same room for 20 fucking minutes. How will I live with them for 6 months" I groan Both my triplet agree with me and "I also want to kill them; they think they can control us. Like hell I would let him control us" said Alessio. We didn't wait for the biological and went to our plane directed to Italy. We know that their house is more like a mansion but we won't reveal it so we will wait at the airport for them. the reason why we went with our plane was that we wanted to show them domination and that we don't need them in our life. we weren't the babies who would come running towards them with well, no we were Adina, Alessio and Amir, the three youngest self-made Trillionaires who don't give a shit about people who aren't even capable of being in the dust of our feet. I know it is a little farfetched, but we didn't come from family money, we earned everything ourselves and made our empire, and we can ruin every empire we want, which is what going to happen with my biological family to even think of me as a business trade, they don't know the real triplets yet, the Rulers.

While going to the plane I halted on my step which made the triplet halt and turn to me looking confused. I said to them " we didn't inform the inner circle" their eyes widen at that Amir just looked at my panic and said, " my sweet baby sister you going to inform them right because if we said anything they would beat us" I just roll my eyes him and said, "yeah."

Let me tell you about the inner circle or else known as our only friends.

Our first friend was:

Lee Deluca - He met us when we were 7 years old. We were going home after some work, and we saw him beaten up in the dark alley. We then helped him and got to know he was an orphan and ran from it but got beaten up in the alley by other gangsters. So, we took him with us to our hideout which was first bought with the money we got. After that we are inseparable, he is a brother to us

Our second friend:

Javier King- he was lee's friend so when we got to know him, we were suspicious about him but after he won our trust, he is also inseparable now from us and a brother to me.

Last friend:

Selena Summers - I and my triplet always go to save sex trafficking children and one of them was Selena. Her family sold her to them and before they were abusive. Of course, we killed them after taking her permission. But after some time, I and my triplet were attached to her so we gave her our mansion which we don't use. Till now we are best friends more like siblings. By the way, we were 13 years old when we save Selena, she was there for 1 year before we saved her.

You could say we are very protective of each other like we would take a bullet without hesitation. They know about our past and we know about theirs, not full but they know enough, yea I said that they would take a bullet for us, and we would them, but we are always careful because of our trust issues because sometimes the person you want to take a bullet for, is behind the gun, and we don't want that situation, so we didn't tell them everything. And now if we are going without telling them, they would be worried about us, and we have to listen to a long lecture. I just shake my head and call Lee. He is the sanest one and closest to me.

After two rings he picks up his call and said: "Adina where are you three, why are you not at home till now?" I just replied with "hello to you too L". To which I heard a scoff and " now is not the time for sarcasm where are you, we are worried" I smile at his worried tone and replied to him "David's dead, we didn't kill him and biological are taking us to Italy" after I said that there was silence for few moments, then he replied with "we are coming there and is the plan still on" "yeh it still on" I replied then heard "ahh ok" and hung up the call.

I turn to my triplet and nod my head at them. So, we went to our plane and of course not a private jet because we won't tell them our identity any time soon.

While sitting on the plane I was doing my legal company business on my mac book. I thought came into my mind, I turn to my triplet and said " be colder than usual around them, I want to see their expressions" they both nodded at me. Then Amir asked me a question " when are we starting phrase one of the plans" which caused me to smirk and after hearing me they also smirk.

"In 1 week"


Hey guys, so the new chapter is uploaded. Hope you liked knowing triplets' friend/ inner circle a bit.

Anyways... That's all

See you in the next chapter

XOXO Kripa
