Death Note Begins

CH 47: Death Note Begins

Adina's POV

When my blackout finished, I looked at myself, I was covered in blood from head to toe. I was wearing some baggy black clothes and a black mask so nobody recognise me. I am trying to think when it happened or what happened, but I could only understand one thing. My thought was activated because of David's experiment. I was living the whole thought of me being either a boy or killing myself in my mind on the loop, but everything ended with my triplets hurt which made me hurt too. The whole experience was as if I was living another life that I thought about except it was dark and gore.

I looked at my surroundings and saw I was in my warehouse in Rome, which is quite far from Sicily where I originally was. I saw the date and time on the clock and saw it was two days after I was blacked out. I looked beside me and saw that there were bodies litter everywhere, on every boxy GREEK was engraved which I think I did.